I woke up yesterday with this rash/hives on my right side of my jaw. It burns but is itchy too. My lymph nodes under my right jaw is swollen too. Been so tried these past few days - more than usual. Has anyone had this? Is it related to lupus? I am putting off calling my GP because I don’t want to be worried about something that is nothing.
I don’t know what this is…: I woke up yesterday... - LUPUS UK
I don’t know what this is…

Could it be shingles?
could be shingles maybe? Whatever it is please visit your GP ASAP
If it is shingles there is a short timeframe in which to start the medication
Good luck!
Try antihistamines, I get a blister type rash that itches like nettle rash. Comes and goes when I'm overtired usually.
Hi, Please go to see your GP as it may be shingles. I was about to post re shingles as I have got it. They will be able to see. I do think we get concerned re taking up their time but we are sick. Take care x
Hi, I have hives come up on various parts of my body. Had this for years and was diagnosed with urticaria.
It ends up it is not shingles! It is a staphylococcus aureus rash. The more I look it up, the more I read it is common in lupus patients. It has also been seen to appear before a flare…which makes sense since I have been feeling really run down lately. I am still exhausted, but I have three more days off work. Thank goodness!