I'm 51 and just started taking meds after 30 years diagnosis
Chapter One-
I was 5 years shunned and abused by doctors, then when they acknowledged my condition (20 years ago) they didn't push drugs, mainly because I don't think they had a lot of clinical stuff to back them up.
Chapter Two-
I put myself into remission over the period of next 10 years after that. I was still young and determined.
Chapter Three-
Menopause came along, and hell broke loose. I spent 5 years trying to 'put' myself into remission again. It didn't really work for me so I tolerated Lupus symptoms for 3 more years until I had to be hospitalized.
So here I am a 30 year Lupus vet,....first time on drugs LOL. When I realized what the hospital and high dosages, and doctors respect (and obviously more knowledge than 15 years ago) and more knowledge, confidence and scheduling did for me, I felt comfortable going on the drugs and now taking them religiously. I also keep a diary of they meds (I'm a little anal that way, but it also keeps me involved with it to a point where I feel I have some control at least) I recommend this to anyone who feels they need to add some control to their input.
So my first month on steroids, felt great, and they introduced Plaquenil to me 3 weeks ago. Not feeling too great since then. I think I'm getting an ugly "MOON" face from the steroids, which is lovely, but I’ll just have to tolerate that one for a while. I'm scheduled to be weaned off steroids in about a month or so.
My big question is: I know I have to be on the Plaquenil for a period to find out if it works for me... How will I know it’s not working for me if I already have reservations about it? Since taking it (and weaning off steroids at the same time) My Lupus returns. Is there some sort of 'honeymoon-get ta know ya stage with Plaq?
4 weeks ago in the hospital I felt like a super human. I liked that feeling!!!! LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I call this chapter 4-
Having felt normal and fantastic for two weeks, then starting the long haul of trying out drugs and facing Lupus symptoms again. I think I got a book here.