Sudden Involuntary Breath IN: So I have been... - LUPUS UK


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Sudden Involuntary Breath IN

The_VIP_Gentleman profile image

So I have been getting this for some time now. It is very sudden, I don't feel a thing before the second it happens. I just really suddenly inhale, and after that I breathe normally. My whole body jumps when it happens. It is very sudden, I don't feel a thing before the second it happens. Sometimes I also make this wierd grunt when it happens. Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?

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The_VIP_Gentleman profile image
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54 Replies
Jogest profile image

Yes I do that.

I certainly did not think it had anything to do with my condition, I don't jump but the wife jumps when I do it.

Randrew5891 profile image
Randrew5891 in reply to Jogest

I just started doing this. Happens to me randomly a couple times a day. I’m still in the hospital for septic emboli of the lungs. Started once my lungs got infected. They are clear now of infection but i still continue to do this

Bronagh2015 profile image

This happens me too! It only started recently and as my iron and ferritin levels are very low at the minute I wonder is it something to do with this? The lungs trying to get more oxygen in??

stargazer5761 profile image

me too i do it a lot ,, i think its like anxiety related ,, , but yes it just happens no conrtol over it

marceilia profile image
marceilia in reply to stargazer5761

As do I........I always thought it was a sight effect from LOVENOX , I had to take it after having a blood clot in my right lung. I am also very anemic, being a 7.1 HEMOGLOBIN!!! Help,if anyone knows what this breathing thing is, PLEASE POST...

pixie66 profile image

Oh my goodness, I do that too. My daughter hates it and tells my off when I do 😄 but just can't help it. Seem to have phases of it.

AnnNY profile image

Me, too. Just recently. But it hasn't felt like anxiety. I almost feels like, I'm so relaxed that I breathe shallowly, then all of the sudden, I kind of gasp for breath. But I also have had shortness of breath since last summer, and some weird heart thing that I'm not sure what it is.

pmerry profile image
pmerry in reply to AnnNY

Emphysema or copd can cause this as the lungs are seeking more air. Do lung exercises and lots of walking.

Me too, just like AnnNY, it happens when I'm relaxed. I was only wondering yesterday if I should mention it to GP as it wakes me up when it happens at night but fed up of feeling like a hypochondriac when tests come back negative. So pleased I'm not alone though I wish it was another thing we didn't have to put up with. Xx

Davidm88 profile image
Davidm88 in reply to

Hi there my name is David and I understand your post is 3 years old however I am suffering same symptoms I could be sitting and all. Of a sudden gasping for breath as if there was no oxygen in my body and I when I sleep I wake up gasping for air did you mention it to your doctor and if so what was said as I have been and they took bloods and couldn't find anything the doctors make me feel like I'm lying about what is going on because they can't find anything

Kitty222 profile image
Kitty222 in reply to Davidm88

Have they done a lung low dose CT scan ?

HippieBeachChick profile image
HippieBeachChick in reply to Davidm88

Hi, I haven’t been diagnosed with lupus, but I’ve been having the exact same symptoms you described here for months now, and I’m wondering if you ever figured out what was causing it.

Yes I have this too. Had assumed it must be related to anxiety as I am anxious and soon to have a general anaesthetic so even more so as its my first. I had to fill in a CV risk assessment pre-op form and it asks about sleep apnea and I wondered if it's an unusual form of this perhaps as it happens when I'm most relaxed - almost asleep usually. Also I have arrhythmia.

Ann1e profile image

I get this too....feels almost like a 'sob' when I've been crying, but haven't. Usually happens when I'm quite relaxed, and always just before I fall asleep. Yet another thing I thought 'was only me' this happened to!

Chardanc8 profile image
Chardanc8 in reply to Ann1e

I am truly amazed and relieved that other people have this problem. I have to take a suddened gasp of air, sometimes a noise will accompany it; I'm always relaxed and it happens a lot before I fall alseep.

Keet45 profile image
Keet45 in reply to Chardanc8

This happens to me as well. It's so friggin annoying. I was having a massage today and it sounded like I was grunting or snoring . Have you figured out what this is?

Mix56awesome profile image
Mix56awesome in reply to Ann1e

I have experienced this while speaking, it just happens randomly. It happens more likely when I speak fast. For the longest time I thought it was a speech thing like stuttering. Now doing more research I realize it might be physical than mentally.

nell29 profile image
nell29 in reply to Ann1e

Can I ask I've come to this after searching for answers. I've got this involuntary breathing thing to. Honest to god it's like shallow breathing then suddenly 3 rapid involuntary inhales it's fearing me out keep thinking I'm gonna have a heartattack

Kitty222 profile image
Kitty222 in reply to nell29

Shudder breathing like you would breathe in when crying, right?

MargaretGail profile image

Yes I do this too, i'm always relaxed when it happens, almost like I haven't been breathing deeply enough and I need to catch up.

Wendy39 profile image
Wendy39 in reply to MargaretGail

I’m just catching up on this thread after searching involuntary gasp for air and your description is perfect. As usual, it’s good to be able to find posts where others are experiencing the same thing.

KReneeK profile image
KReneeK in reply to Wendy39

I have this too. I have been trying to figure out when and why. I am not as active as I used to be, which I think is related, so I've added in movement that gets my breathing and heart rate up. Clearing my lungs really well everyday. One of the the things I realized that I get relaxed when reading or working on my computer, and I hold my breath. It seems that I empty my lungs, exhale, and rest for a more than normal time. Maybe this stems from being a swimmer when I was younger. It wasn't a big thing to try to hold my breath longer and longer, and actually its very peaceful, so my body seems to relax this way. So, now I make sure that I'm not emptying my lungs and resting in that. sometimes it seems like we are breathing when we are talking, but actually anxiety or the push to get out our thoughts may be attributing to not breathing between sentences. So the answer for me, seems to be to be aware of this and work against it. It did start out of the blue, so, if there is some underlying issue with my phrenic nerve or an infection of some sort, i don't know, but being more active and aware of not holding my breath seems to help a lot. I hope this helps somebody.

Truebound1 profile image
Truebound1 in reply to KReneeK

I have this too, and it started after Changing my breathing from mouth to nose and I’ve had nothing but problems since tried every breathing exercise

Now my natural cadance is all screwed up . Explain to dr s and they say all tests are normal . But ? I know better . Once you get out of sync it’s nothing but problems . Too much oxygen ? Too much c02 etc ? Who knows . Thinking about your breath is the worst thing you can do I’m finding .

Purpletop profile image

I suspect it has something to do with autonomic dysfunction - lupus tends to mess with our autonomic nervous system, I.e. The nervous system that controls the functions we do automatically, such as the heart beat, or breathing rate in this case.

If the autonomic nervous system is affected, then one gets all kind of "weird" symptoms such as too hot or too cold, palpitations, sudden intake of breath, etc.

I would mention this sudden breath issue to your rheumatologist because it does matter, although there isn't anything they can do about it, it's just useful to keep a record of all the symptoms.

Mrs-Hdz profile image
Mrs-Hdz in reply to Purpletop

That is very interesting. This is happening to me as well and I usually document my symptoms daily. Do you happen to know what this is called?

vansa profile image

me too i was diagnosed with brittle asthma about 30 years ago and i do it all the time it freaks people out. i am used to it but i know for me its because there isn't enough oxygen in my system so my body automatically takes a sharp intake of breath to compensate....i have just been diagnosed with lupus.......

MrsMouseSJ profile image

And I thought it was just me!.... It happens to me at night and I have come to the same conclusion as Purpletop - it's something to do with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. It seems to happen periodically for me but I don't have any ideas as to how to stop it, although raising the head of my bed has seemed to stop it occurring so often.

Cann profile image

Yes, it happens to me, too, but I put it down to not breathing properly and my body suddenly takes over the process. It happens at night too and wakes me up. I often have to be conscious of my breathing because I notice at times I am not breathing properly which again I put down to my body adjusting the breathing perhaps because being within pollutant range or something that stops my body breathing normally and then when the coast is clear, so to speak my body takes a deep breath to compensate and breathes normally again.

When you think of all the junk we have to breathe, it is no wonder our bodies take over the process because we are often not conscious of the atmosphere around us and the filth in it, but you only have to wipe the window ledge or check garden furniture with a clean cloth to see the dirt in the air. I trust my body - that is what I prefer to do rather than think there is something wrong.

Marmite1 profile image

Wow I've been doing this for years never connected it to lupus reassuring to know it's not just me

pmerry profile image

your lungs probably have so scarring from the pleurisy. Get active and do lung exercises too.

Hello yes I did ask my GP who did standard tests, oxygen level = normal, blood pressure = low but within range, breath test for asthma and copd = low but within range. I think it's because I shallow breathe and also if I get a cough or cold I usually get a chest infection so Dr prescribed inhalers to take at the start of any cough, cold, hayfever to help prevent breathing issues. I do breathe easier after I take the inhalers though lm only borderline asthmatic. This is all post lupus. I also think my total lack of any kind of aerobic exercise apart from chores and walking to and from my car, hasn't helped. At times I think my diaphragm or lungs have shrunk from my not exercising them. I also have acid reflux to my larynx which are scarred but I don't know if that's anything to do with it. Take care xx

Mix56awesome profile image

I have experienced this while speaking, it just happens randomly. It happens more likely when I speak fast. For the longest time I thought it was a speech thing like stuttering. Now doing more research I realize it might be physical than mental. I also thought it was a confidence thing but that is not the case.

Mrs-Hdz profile image

This is now happening to me and it kind of startles me because it comes from nowhere. I was just searching for answers...wondering what this is called. Is it lupus related?

Sarah719 profile image
Sarah719 in reply to Mrs-Hdz

Any answers?

I have positive ANA and RP1UN antibodies

I am on symbicort for shortness of breath

Amitryptiline for swallowing

I have pruritus and general wekness/sudden fatigue at times

But no one seems to know or have ever heard of this gasping problems

Happens all the time out of the blue

Kitty222 profile image

This started for me in 2018. I do not have Lupus but have been searching the web to see if others have this. Here is what i can tell you about myself

1. I have lung scarring which is stable for 3 yrs so they say

2. I just found out I have mild sleep apnea but this sudden involuntary breath happens during the day

3. I have mild emphysema from yrs of past smoking according to CT scan

4. I started a new drug in 2018..statin drug. I have had muscle issues with all of them and am on a low dose oc premastatin. Statins can cause interstitial lung disease but it is rare.

5. My pulmonary artery is borderline enlarged but my echocardiogram is normal.

Does anyone have any of these issues in common?

Kitty222 profile image

I also have acid reflux which is being treated

Kitty222 profile image

Statins affect muscles. The diaphram is a muscle. Hmmm

Susiequetee profile image

This has been happening to me for almost 2 years now. I never know when it's going to happen but I can't control it and I don't know what it is. Did you ever find out what causes it? Sometimes it's embarrassing

Sarah719 profile image
Sarah719 in reply to Susiequetee

Any answers?

Phrenicnerve profile image

I am getting worse as years/time goes by. I cannot believe how many on sites complain about this or are baffled by this inhaling thing! I couldn't even find a doctor of any specialty to know what I was talking about! But I have been persistently addressing this. My current Dr., who I have been visiting at U of M, actuallyis listening .. we might find out the reason/diagnoses. I want to share with you, that it could be something to do with your phrenic nerve. Testing is tomorrow.

Phrenicnerve profile image

I don't think I have lupus, but shortness of breath, and most of what this man on YouTube describes.

This is not as rare as they think, there are many Drs who do not know about us and do nothing as we get worse. Keep searching the net, the phrenic nerve has something to do with this breathing/involuntary intake of breath/ etc..

Sandradwil profile image

I have this to its been going on for more than a year i have no underlying medical conditions i have no idea why this is happening I have been tested for lupus but it came back negative..

Sandradwil profile image

I have taken sleep aids in the past I just went off zoplcone a month ago and you maybe right I do still take venlafaxine but I still have this uncontrolled gasping and I don't know why

Sandradwil profile image

There seems to be a pattern here with this sudden intake of air..lupus seems to be the common denominator..but I have been tested negative. we need to keep pushing doctors to find out what this is..I know I'm not stopping until I know what this is!!

Chikachika profile image

Yes this has been happening to me for months now. It catches me even when I'm talking and then it distorts my speech. I inhale as if I'm going under water and it may last up to 15secs. Its random, unprovoked and it happens to me throughout the day. Its disturbing my life. A few weeks I had a sleep test done for sleep apnea but I dont have the results yet. I told the doctor this happens to me when I'm awake. He still thinks I have sleep apnea so Il post here when I know more about what's happening to me.

DesiLupe1971 profile image

This sounds like something that is going on with me. Found out I have Lupus & Fibromyalgia on top of R.A. My lungs were attacked starting the end of November with Pleurisy. I'm still trying to recover from it and connective tissue inflammation. It was about March started this sudden"Involuntary" inhales randomly throughout each day. When they started, they use to wake me up, but now it just seems to happen randomly for as long as I'm awake. There is no warning or pain before it happens. It just happens! I tried to explain it to my doctors and they prescribed me a muscle relaxer and say it's anxiety. Not for nothing, but I had anxiety worse then I do now and I have NEVER done this before. Like some here, feel stupid trying to explain it or feeling like a hypochondriac. My boyfriend of 12 years says he never seen anyone do this before either. I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo with this issue. Lol All kidding aside though l, it's very aggravating at times though & wish it would stop.

Hov1 profile image

I'm replying to this because this might just be the reason for my involuntary deep breath which started over a week ago. I breathe normally prior to and after it happens. I was taking buspirone up until mid week last week and i as soon as i abruptly stopped my involuntary deep breath started. My question now is how long does this withdrawal symptom last? What can i do to make it go away because it freaks me out sometimes. Thank you

Adrinmel profile image

I have the same problem and I don't know why either

Rousty profile image

I don’t have lupus as far as I know but I do have this.

I am an ex-smoker, insomniac.

When I do sleep I sleep on my left side which is where it feels like it originates from.

I also suffer from silent gerd.

I had this previously like 6-7 years ago and it seemed to go away after some time, I was going to therapy at the time.

I do deal with panic and anxiety, and have been on SSRIs before.

To me, it feels almost like I’m forgetting to breathe and my body kicks in and says INHALE!

But it does feel like a reflex, almost like a spasm, though I do have my doubts that it might be more emotional/stress/anxiety related and less physical.

Wendy39 profile image
Wendy39 in reply to Rousty


I’m just reading through this to see if anyone had any answers, as this happened to me quite a few times yesterday.

Exactly as you say, like I’ve forgotten to breath and I’m catching up. But once I take that huge inhale I breathe normally again.

I never know when it’s going to happen but it does seem to come in phases.

It happens during the day, as well as at night.

I don’t really suffer from anxiety all of the time, just a few minor episodes since diagnosis. And I’m not really anxious at the moment.

It’s just such a loud thing when it happens, you can’t disguise it.


Trewattie profile image

This has been happening to me for about 2-3 years now and it happens out of nowhere. My knees will momentarily give out or I'll jump or something while I take this large gasp of air. Sounds like a mix of choking and grunting. It feels like I'm kind of out of it for a second, like I don't have control over my body.

Treese10 profile image

Hello I just recently started doing this as well and relate completely to what you are experiencing. I describe the feeling of an uncontrollable sob but not sobbing and goes away as quickly as it came

Falolo profile image

I've been deal with this for 8 years now and nothing has changed. Doctors can't explain what it is ..they are usually 1 loud gasp for air that last for 2 seconds and happens at least once a day randomly during the day when I'm relaxed or just not talking. It even scares the people around me when it happens. Its embarrassing. Ive always been active until 1 year or 2, I never smoked before but I did had asthma as a kid but I don't have it anymore, just kinda went away. Im not sure if this is might be the reason why I'm experiencing this...

Pebbles1946 profile image

Yes me too.i want some answers as to what causes this

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