Just get so angry at the smallest things.. - LUPUS UK


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Just get so angry at the smallest things..

Gharrison profile image
18 Replies

I have noticed since I have started my med that the smallest things make me so angry! Today the dog knocked all my pills over and I had the biggest paddy ever! Seriously is this just me or is it my meds?! It's so strange that one miniute you can be doing well, and having a better day.. And bang! The smallest bad thing that happens and your all of a sudden in a bad mood :( ...

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Gharrison profile image
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18 Replies

Sounds a bit like you might be a bit depressed which is normal with lupus. Try to be kind to yourself get enough sleep. Do the things you enjoy. If it continues or get worse I would think of seeing your gp. Its ok to get angery this disease throws so much at us. Also constant tiredness makes anyone more irritable just know talk to someone if your symptoms get worse.

Good luck remember your human hugs tatty

Gharrison profile image
Gharrison in reply to

That's great advise thank you. I am just trying to breath through my anger and focus on other things, things that I enjoy. To be honest I am tired all the time so I think so early nights are in order. Thank you tatty :)

lharding profile image
lharding in reply to

Just read your very kind reply to Gharrison, and I was feeling down too. This made me feel so much better knowing so many other are in the same way. Thank you for your kindness

Amethyst profile image

Hi Gharrison, are you on steroids? If so they can have a terrible effect on your mood making you irritable, angry and sometimes violent. Other meds have an effect on your mood so maybe you can see your doctor to get them checked. Sometimes it is not possible to change them as they are life saving.

It take a long time for the body to get used to them so be kind to yourself and explain to those around you that your behavious is unsual because of the medication, and you are still the same loveable person that you were.

MandaM profile image
MandaM in reply to Amethyst

Steroids are a necessary evil i say. If i go up more than 5 mg a day i have to wear a steer clear of the evil witch sign lol! I'm not a nice person on steroids so flatly refuse to ever go in excess of what's good for me, although i do realise that i have to carry on daily with some dose.

Gharrison profile image
Gharrison in reply to Amethyst

I have had a steroid injection but I was quite moody befor to be fair. I just think with a lot of sleep I'll get there. I'm going to try an focus my angry energy on something more possitive... Thank you for your advise it's means sooo sooo much :)

JSue profile image

Chronic illness is a lot to handle. You hold it together through all the pain and annoyance, sleep loss and change in lifestyle, etc, so if something tips the balance, (or tips the bottle of tablets) ... well it's natural to get fed up!! hugs xx

Gharrison profile image
Gharrison in reply to JSue

Thank you :) I'm glad it's not just me xx

ellie53 profile image

hang in there mate - we r all the same- other people thin they understand but they ray don - wer all with you - its hard to know whats going to hit you next time

Gharrison profile image
Gharrison in reply to ellie53

Your exactly right, thank you I'm so glad it's not me who has mad moods :)

MUP123 profile image

I am just the same. The smallest thing and bang i'm off on a rant. Then feel like an arse when I calm down. I dont know if it is the condition or the meds but when feeling poorly I have a very short fuse.

Gharrison profile image
Gharrison in reply to MUP123

I'll be honest with you I think it's a bit of both, I think it's the condition and the meds. I'm just glad we are all similar and it's not just me who has such a sort fuse. Thank you :)

charlie007 profile image

Sometimes I think when you are fatigued ,and trying to handle house,work,a chronic illness and all that goes with it,its the small things like the dog knocking the pills that's hard to cope with.Be good to yourself and rest !

Gharrison profile image
Gharrison in reply to charlie007

You know you are soo right! I think all of us need to take some time out for our selfs to rest then maybe we won't b so angry.. Thank you :)

krisdy profile image

I was on very high doses of steroids for over a year! and I was a total BITCH!! I hated myself and everyone else!! And every little thing made me go into a complete even bigger BITCH!! thank god I am off them right now. But yes the very smallest thing to this day makes me very MAD!! and you know what I also noticed no one understands, O yes they say they do but they dont! I have herd people talk behind my back about me. Thank god for this support group, because we our all in this together I totally understand! before I had lupus I was a very shy and never would say anything to anybody if they hurt my feelings. well watch out now because my mouth has a mind of its own. Good luck to you and god bless you!! I love everyone that has Lupus like I do because It's like we all share a bond!! and If you blow up over things who cares!! I always say let those people live with lupus for a day see how they do! and dont let anyone judge you! only god is the one to Judge!!! stay strong! and turn to your support group at least you know 100% we ALL understand!! Love, Krisdy

MandaM profile image
MandaM in reply to krisdy

Lol Krisdy, i glad someone else is a complete bitch on steroids! OMG don't they make us evil!! I used to scare my family at times with my outbursts. Now i'm on 5mg daily and not on 60mg, i'm a nicer person all together and 14 kilos lighter :0) A short while ago i had a couple of days on 10mg and i was completely off my head, high as a kite! My family didn't know how to handle the new nice me at first but have now got used to it. It's good that this support group is here because we can see that we're not the only ones out there suffering the ills of SLE and the effects of the meds we take. Best of wishes Krisdy. x

Maya23 profile image

I started 10mg steroids this week and I seem to be having mood swings in the mornings mostly.. I feel quite mental then actually, going from euphoria to anger to tears and back again! My husband is going to wonder who I am this weekend, as he's not seen me in the mornings yet!!

before I took the steroids I was already starting to become less timid about telling people my true feelings where as before I'd keep them to myself to keep the peace! But feeling so rubbish all the time and having people make assumptions about you that aren't true (people just don't 'get' lupus do they!) made me see red and tell someone where to go!

Glad to here that it's not just me and that the illness and the meds all play their part! Thank goodness for this community where we understand each other!! xxx

Diane48 profile image

I have had promblems with my moods to i get angry really easy and it is worse that time of the month and cry easy sometimes my doctor gave me a script for sertraline 50mg and i just take it when i feel like im getting to this point and it is helping me alot when i do need it i hope you find something that works for you to/

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