Well its started blocked sinus horrible cough coming which fellow lupins knows means chest infection ..last time I had this I cracked a bone under my rib cage ...why do we end up with this over and over again . Sorry for ranting but sick of people telling me how well I look ..x
Here we go again.: Well its started blocked sinus... - LUPUS UK
Here we go again.

I know your post is about Lupus but, as with spoon theory, it is interchangeable with many chronic long term diseases. The part about the coughs and cracked ribs feels very familiar just now and I thought the illustrations on this web page might cheer you up a little at least regarding "but you look well"

Grrrrreat link: thanks!
I know what you mean! I was once on the point of passing out (well it felt like it anyway) when my sister said you're looking well you're obviously getting better WTF!
Totally can relate to your post...am looking forward to following the replies
Just a suggestion: whether you've got chroinic sinusitis or not, have you tried Neilmed Sinusrinse? ENT put me onto this treatments range several years ago....now I use it daily for chronic sinuitis and just up the treatment when symptoms flare due to anything including chest infections or whatever. This stuff has made my recurring probs more easy to tolerate.....
Take care....hope you laughed at twitchy's great link
We deal with that ALL the time! "You look good!" No one, who doesn't have an autoimmune disease and has normal labs, believes how sick we feel. That's why they call Lupus "You Don't Look Sick" disease. How much publicity does Lupus get? Little. How many people really know what Lupus is? Few. How many can identify with the constant sick feeling we have - even when we are not coughing or sneezing or stuffed up? NONE - unless they can feel it. I blame the Lupus Foundation for not making US more public and explaining HOW we feel and exactly WHAT Lupus is!!!! They low-key us. Sure, they talk about breast and other cancers - and people understand that - but do they describe how Lupus can change your entire life, and it's a disease without treatment (seriously) or cure?? We can't have a round of chemo and go into remission - at least some of us can't. We need to push for more public awareness. Sending US - the victims - the information about walks, fund raisers, ets. is a waste. they ask US for donations for research. I find that unconscionable!
I know the feeling well, cough and cold lead normally with me to a dose or pneumonia. I swear by Vicks First Defense. Try it, follow the instructions carefully. I know it won't help this time, but may in the future. I use it all the time when I come into contact with possible cold germs and for me it works! Not had a cold for 8 months now and have come into close and prolonged contact with those that have. For me, it's gold.