I was admitted to hosptial for a suspected broken bone in my foot because of the pain I was in. However, the Dr said he thought it was an Arthritis flare and that I should be referred to a rheumatologist and would write to my Dr suggesting this. In the mean time my new GP has run some routine blood tests and said that my white blood cell count is low and that the hematologist wanted to see me to run some more tests. My blood results are :-
1. I am Neutropenic since June 2014 - (1.5)
2. ANA - 1600
3. Anti-Ro52 - Positive
4. RNP Antibody - Positive
5. ENA - Positive
6. ANA - Positive
7. ds DNA Antibodies - Normal
8. ESR - 31
I am not sure what all these results mean, but the hematologist did say it suggests I have an autoimmune disease, but was not sure which one be it RA or Lupus or both, she just said I need to see a rheumatologiest as soon as possible. I'm still waiting for an appointment. Has anyone had similar blood results?
Following my Rhemy appointment: 22nd Jan 2015. She advised me to look up something called Connective Tissue Disease, and not to frighten myself with it? She also said that I'm not showing a fully blown disease, but I have arthralgia? Further tests are now due for my lung function, heart, chest x-ray for scaring on my lungs and thyroid. Looks like I've got something called connective tissue disease, she said I could develop one of the autoimmune diseases at any time. I return to see her in March.