Trouble since february always had urge tried oxybutinin never worked was then treated with an antibiotic trimethoprim this in turn worked for a while then came back went through numerous test nothing showed I suspected interstial cystitis but that was brushed of as certainly not the case then I got referred to a urologist who diagnosed me as having an overactive bladder so now am treated with solefenicin worked a treat at the start however these few days and maybe a week I have been going alot literally I would go wait an hour or so and feel that im fit to bust needing to go and the solefenicin isnt subsiding the symptoms at all im at the end of trying all the crap that crops up with lupus im stuggling although have it for 3 years im so upset that things keep coming at the age of 20 its halting everything I do
Excessive and continuous bladder trouble...... - LUPUS UK
Excessive and continuous bladder trouble......

I have had similar symptoms for almost a month now. And like you get fed up with all the continual add ons. I am also a bit fed up that all of our highly qualified doctors dont really seem to be when put to the task.
If you had a car and a garage was unable to sort the problems you would begin to doubt their competence.
I am at the same stage with many in conventional medicine with auto immune illness.
I think it is a sham that in an internet age when information across the world can be pooled that patients are just fobbed off like this.
I think those that lead in their fields are perhaps not doing all that is possible and it makes me question why.
I am not an 'expert' as i lack medical qualifications. But I strongly believe that the human body has evolved ways and means of dealing with many medical issues. If there is something in the body that is unwanted the bodies own healing systems try to intervene and correct the problem.
Its my thoughts that we both have something, a bug or something that the body is trying to clear through frequent urination. To attempt to stop the urinating without addressing what has caused it will only prolong the situation.
If its a bug that your body cant clear maybe your body is under stress at the moment and your immune system isnt working as well as it might be.
I know that is true in my case at the moment.
Hi Metoyou
So sorry to read of your bladder problems, must be really getting you down!. Have you had a cystoscopy where they examine your bladder and take pics?. There is also the bowel and bladder service on the NHS that you can refer yourself to who could help. There are also bladder training exercises that might help , Google it . There may be other drugs you can try, have you got a further appt to see the urologist?. Hope I've helped and you improve soon. X
Hi there thanks a lot my appointment is today and I am meant to have bladder training like exercising it to make it better however im always fit to bust anyway within an hour of going when I have hardly been drinking its really annoying
Out of interest do you also have kidney issues with your lupus
This I dont no as my last appointment was in may but I always leak protein each time I even do my own urine samples and that shows protein sometime one + sometimes two ++ so am really not sure
Reason I asked is that I have read that when kidneys are compromised they attempt to get rid of excess uric acid by getting the body to pee.
It is one train of thought I am following at the moment.
If there is something to it reducing the level of acid forming foods may help.
I do have poorly functioning kidneys so the whole acid/alkaline is an ongoing thing for me
Hi, I too have had these problems and the symptoms have eased with dietary change along with medication. I cut out caffeine and tomatoes and the difference was quite dramatic. I allow myself one cup of "proper" coffee a day and all other drinks de-caff. I only have about one tomato a week now. It's a relatively easy adjustment to make and I can honestly say I found a difference. Good luck, hope this helps.
I thought I would mention that I seem to have self cured my urinary complaint and I suspect it may have occurred when I high dosed on vitamin D3.
I am thinking that this may have caused a change in my blood chemistry and changed whatever may have been causing the ongoing bladder issues. However I also rubbed sandalwood and frankincense essential oils onto my abdomen area at the time. These can absorb through the skin.
I also took a mega dose of vit c and a variety of other things. Fingers crossed I have been ok now for over a week.
Do your own reading in connection with these approaches to educate yourself if you decide to follow any of these actions.