I do get so very disheartened when I read the posts, all so 'its the end of the world', 'the end of my life', I cant do this' and 'I cant do that'.
I do not belittle anyone with what they are going through at all, it IS a long struggle, It CAN be hard work, and
You CAN do this, You WILL do this. you DO have the strength to get through it.
YOU are the only one that knows YOU and YOUR body.
Its YOUR LIFE GET OUT THERE and LIVE IT! (with sun protection).
I Believe in ME and that I CAN and I WILL, and I DO, weather doesn't stop me.
Yes I have the pain, the worries and the trials BUT I GET UP and GET ON. I KNOW my body and I listen to it daily. I WILL CONTINUE TO DO as I am much as able for as long as I AM able, hopefully being ABLE to do whatever it is for longer.
Try not to despair, smile and find something POSITIVE every day.
I believe in ME nothing else.