Have been receiving ESA wrag for last year. It has now stopped . Has anyone been successful in reapplying and having the benefit reinstated
Esa: Have been receiving ESA wrag for last year. It... - LUPUS UK

I had benefits before I had lupus. I had epilepsy when I was 16 and lupus in 2008 and thyroid cancer in 2012 when i was 28. Plus severe learning disabilities since birth so I never had to go through the reapplying process. I had the review done for dla and they lower the amount I recieved even though I am still on the same medicine. Well I do hope u become successfull.
Hi Clova
Contact your local Citizen's Advice Bureau who will be able to help you fill in the forms for ESA. They have to be done in a certain way to maximise chance of success!. Have you had your money suddenly stopped?. If so they'll investigate that for you too.
Good LuckX
I was told by dwp that this benefit is only for 1 year which ran out in march however my health review is not until January 2015. She said I would need supporting evidence to show that my condition had worsened to be put on the support group of ESA to receive the benefit.my condition has certainly not improved and as I was eligible to receive the benefit in the first place on the evidence I provided I do not understand why it has to have deteriorated further before I can continue to receive this benefit. Has anyone else found themselves in this position
Hi Clova
I don't understand why you were told ESA was only for a year when your health review isn't up till Jan 2015!. I too get ESA and I'm in the WRAG group and got it for 2 years which is the longest time they award it for!. Mine is up for renewal later this year. I think someone has made a mistake and so the CAB would find out for you and sort it hopefully. Good luckX
What's the alternative for you now that your entitlement to ESA has stopped? ??? Please don't tell me job seekers allowance!
I'm in receipt of ESA myself and was put into the support group back in 2010. I'm led to believe based on what my advisor at the job centre explained is people who receive chemotherapy, radiotherapy haemodialysis or such treatments that impact on daily living are more likely to get into the support group. I honestly don't know how decisions are made but hope you get a reasonable solution soon.
Can I ask if you have a partner who is working? If so then your benefits stop after 365 days as you are considered to have an income in the household. If not then contact the CAB who will be able to advise you.
I totally agree with any one who has experienced this as we have paid our NI so surely we are entitled to the benefit in our own right. It is humiliating to have to ask your partner for money when you were independent before.
I was lucky enough to be transferred to the Support Group several weeks before my benefit stopped, however it will be up for review next year so I expect to have to go through the whole rigmarole again.
I get esa it was stopped after a while but I appealed against the decision took it to court and was rewarded with ESA
Hi Clova,
I had my ESA stopped after an assessor failed my medical for ESA. The fact that I was able to attend the appointment on my own went against me. I completed an appeal form with the help of my local welfare rights organisation who I found more helpful than cab. I was advised to see if my gp could supply a letter supporting my difficulty in returning to work at that time. She provided a letter stating that if I go back to work now then it would put me back by several months. That seemed to do the trick and my esa was reinstated and I received 5 months back pay. I hope you have similar luck
They don't consider your partner when they tax you I worked solid nights paid tax and I was told my ESA ran out after a year it has taken them since the 24-6-13 after loosing my appeal I put in a fresh claim and still no work assessment
I do have a partner who job shares ie part time. Does this still exclude me from the benefit.