Does anyone have excessive sweating at night because of lupus,
Sweating : Does anyone have excessive sweating at... - LUPUS UK

Yes I used to but now a lot of my symptoms are under control with medicine. It's horrible, feels like flu.
Hey Joannebond 360. What medication helped
I am on plaquinal (hydroxy) mycophenolate mofetil (cellcept) which I have been on for 3 months and prednisilone which I am reducing at the moment, on 5.5 mg at the moment.
I've not long put this on another Post - hot nights. I sweat on and off all the time. It's quite embarrassing. I started when I first noticed I wasn't right. I ended up drenched at night and during the day I am always checking out who else might be hot, to see if actually is hot or not. It has improved with hydroxy but then it could be the lack of clothes I wear now. No jumpers for me anymore x
I do, occasionally, but as I'm new to lupus, I don't know if there is a connection! We'll wait for posts to come in.
Biddy....I was getting day and night sweats like crazy boiling, sweating. I started taking. Digestive enzymes and a natto k enzyme, and they have significantly decreased. Don't know why or which enzyme helped.
I do when flaring. Bad night sweats xx
I do. I have had them through the day but they do seem worse on a night time. im going to tell my consultant next month when I see him.
Hi there biddy75. I think a lot of us with lupus or one of the related conditions have this problem. It seems to go with the territory. I have very bad night sweats and also hot flushes during the day. (I'm male and 56 so it's not menopausal). I haven't found anything which helps I'm afraid. Remember to drink plenty of water though. It is important to keep hydrated.
Hi biddy, lupus body feels hot often, drinking water, eat healthy diet, reduce stress, rest and breathing would help the symptom. Good luck x
I had these - terrible until I changed my diet to a more healthy one, based mainly on vegetarianism. A bad diet, drugs and other toxins/stresses can lead to hormonal imbalance and profuse sweating, but I am sure there are many other causes, too. Mercola's latest email talks of sweating from the head with a lack of vitamin D and I can quite believe it with the climate in this country!
Hey cann, im on vitamin d, and berrocca , sweating all the time, diet wouldn't be that great, can't walk to far with the neuropathy
Is it a good vitamin D and are you absorbing it, do you think - do blood tests show it's helping? Would be good if you could improve the diet - not easy, I know.
Could you advise on good foods to help, my vitamin d was very low but coming up from i started vit d tablets
It is good your vit. D levels are rising. I am not a nutritionist, but have learnt what is good food for me. Basically, I follow the rule - if God didn't make it, I don't eat it - that includes GM foods, of course, because they are man made, too. I only eat what I cook myself, no processed foods, additives or preservatives. I try to eat organic and local as much as possible, but if not, at least whole food. I was lucky enough to have been taught muscle testing by a kinesiologist and that has been a boon for my health. Good luck in finding what is the right food (and lifestyle, of course), for you.
My sweating at night was really getting me down then I found out it was the Tramadol pain killers chained pain killers still get a little sweating but nothing like when I was taking tramadol.
Thankyou all very much for your comments, its great to know I am not alone
Biddy I too and like many other Lupus patients here suffer from lupus flare related sweating, I'm currently experiencing a flare at the moment(grrr) and have got pleurisy and with that comes the usually flu like i.e sweaty symptoms. I have to agree with Jo though that since being on the Mycophenelate mofetil and topirimate for seizures matters have greatly improved for me. I do hope that things can improve for you x
Me too. I never used to suffer with sweating but I really notice it these days. Very conscious of smelling! x
Hello all, yes I've had lupus for 22 yrs. I'm 53. I have had the sweats on and off. At night I'm soaked along with my linens and during the day the sweat would just roll off my face. This went on for 3 full years, it was devastating. It stopped when I started myfortic. May god bless us all. You all are in my prayers, what a challenge we all bear.