Is it part of a Lupus flare to be sweating all th... - LUPUS UK
Is it part of a Lupus flare to be sweating all the time? My husband is running with rivers of sweat even when the weather isn't really hot

It can be.
My husband was like this when he had an overactive thyroid. It was November then. He would leave a wet mark in the chair and I kept having to change the bedding daily. He would drink lots of orange juice. I couldn't keep up with him.
My Husband has this its due to him having AF,which means is heart is beating very fast.
try taking his pulse and see if its fast.But I would get him checked out by the Doctor ASP
i have lupus and i have this problem not sure if its lupus meds wish i did because i hate it
I understand what your husband is going through as I have been having exactly the same problem for about the last 2 years. It is just like being in a continual shower, sweat running down head to toe and body is cold and clammy. Very uncomfortable and I find extremely embarrassing. I have now been referred to a specialist - Endrocologist. I will let you know how I get on.
Hi Mitziemoo
I also suffer from heavy sweating. It can come on in an instant and looks like I have just been in the shower. Sometimes it is also accompanied by my hands having violent shakes. It is not always at the same time as I am having a flare.
I have asked my Rheumy about it, but he just shrugs his shoulders as if to say that I have more important things going on inside me then to worry about the sweating.
So I would be very interested to know what your Endocrinologist has to say about it.
Hi yes I get it as well, just sat down to check my e mails and I am dripping with sweat, I get awful night sweats as well and I am through the menopause I wonder if it's the lupus or the medication I am seeing my rheumie next Month so thought I would ask him.
Will be interesting to know what the endocrinologist says
Hi yes sweating drives me mad some days its like turning a tap on, no clothes are thin enough, even when I get out of the shower 2 mins sweating again.One of the symptoms of lupus is sweats
I suffer from sweating without much excertion. Apparently one reason could be steriod treatment. It interferes with your natural body temperature and you overheat. therefore sweating more to try and cool the body down
Hi All, It is such a relief to know that I am not the only one who suffers with these horrendous sweats. I mean this in the nicest way as I don't feel so alone. I will certainly let you all know how I get on with the Specialist and thank you all for taking time out to talk to me.
Hiya........ I sweat bucket loads and like everyone else its really embarrassing.......Im not on steriods at the mo but it doesnt matter.....Im still dripping with sweat.......... I would love to no the answer to this as no-one can give me one
I have sweats they re driving me to the brink of dispare it is the lack of sleep I just can't cope. Been going on for years had an hysterectomy at 34 now 55 I was told it was the menopause but I really don't think it is anymore. I can tell when they are coming on I start to feel sick my heart races and I almost start panicking then I start sweating, I cope better in the day but at night not so good and we all know that lack of sleep can make our illness worse so why don't doctors take it seriously. Would love to know the reason behind this. There is challenge for a doctor. I have SLE Fibromiagia and sjorgens and on a cocktail of medicine so not sure what it is. Be glad of any answers. Have a good day ever one. X
I do sympathise soak the bed everynight, then in the daytime hot flushes too, have decided to write down everything I eat and drink as some nights/days are better than others,will let you know the results if any.
Healing and love to all fellow Lupus fighters,we will win in the end.
Hi Anne-john. Just to let you know that I have now attended my Consultants appointment regarding "Rivers of Sweat" and after running tests he has confirmed that my "Rivers of Sweat" is not due to "Hormones" and has discharged me. I have an appointment with my Rhemy Consultant at the end of this month - so I am afraid we are no further forward - I will let you know what and where I go from here. Have you got any further forward?
Love and kisses.