Hello I'm 20 Been suffering with Anxiety and Social phobia all my life about a year ago i started claiming JSA which was fine until i had to go to a job interview but at the time i didn't really no anything about benefits. At the time i was panicking and i managed to get ESA for the 13 weeks until the Assessment if that's what they like to call it. I scored 0 simple as that and they stopped my money, I had done the mandatory reconsideration which will take a few weeks and the only advice they gave me was Claim JSA which i can do untill they find me a job and i have to go for a job interview which i want be able to attend and then my JSA will be stopped, Now suffering with anxiety i haven't slept for the last 2 weeks or eaten properly I really need some advice
Need Help With Benefits : Hello I'm 20 Been... - LUPUS UK
Need Help With Benefits

Go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau who will be able to help you navigate the complex benefits system and take all paperwork with you that you've got about JSA and ESA. They'll sort it out for you. Good luckX
Firstly go see your GPS and get yourself calmed down make a appointment at you local c a b take all your letters and GPS sick notes etc with you an they will point you in the right direction good luck g
its so unfair the government are treating sick people like lepers. but all the advice given is correct. see your doctor you may need medication to help you settle your anxiety problems. then cab they are excellent and will help you get the help you deserve. by the way practically everyone score 0 initially so don't be put off. good luck
Thank you for all you're replies it means a lot that there's still caring people around <3
Hi, if I was you I would go to your gp and tell him how you feel with your anxiety etc, and ask if he would put it on headed paper. Ask the benefits for another claim of ESA and send this with your form back to them and see if get further that way.