I'm finding that my periods are all over the place, and a lot heavier...I can come come on for a week. Finish the. About 3/4 days later I'm back on again....it's horrible!
Does anyone else have problems with their monthly... - LUPUS UK
Does anyone else have problems with their monthly cycle?

Hi yes that sounds just like me I have had 3 in the last month
Hi lindsay
I have problems with my cycle. I seem to have 2 cycles a month usually 8 - 10 days apart. They are a lot heavier and more painful than before dx. They make me feel constantly tired -which just is just another top up on lupie fatigue. I personally think it's either related to meds or condition. My consultant told me to speak to gp - but no point as gp is scared to death of doing anything now coz of sle. Oh the joys. Hope things get better hun.
Lupie hugs
Esky xx
Hi , you don't give your details as to age , children etc!! Go to GP, prob nothing to do with Lupus, I've just had surgery for period problems, and absolutely nothing to do with my Lupus .... Sometimes you know it's just bad luck and not everything is because of Lupus... :-))
I started similar problems when in my early 40s. Tests showed hormone levels were still within normal range so dr thought could be peri-menopause. He recommended the 'mira?' Coil. I'm now on my second - they last five years and I have to say it worked a miracle on me. If you don't plan on getting pregnant soon might be worth talking to gp about. Hope this helps. Helen.
Hi I have had really heavy periods and was recommended the marina coil I must say this has lightened up my periods to almost nothing I still bleed on and off between but but I can cope as it's next to nothing ask your doctor, I was worried because so many people told me this was painful to have put in, I'm the biggest whimp when it comes to medical things and I had mine done at guys and can honestly say I never hurt just little uncomfterble worth asking about but when u have one done go to a. Gynecologist and have it done these do them all the time unlike a gp good luck
Hi lindsay81,
I too am having trouble with my periods but I'm still only having 1 every 24 days but it's really heavy and wiping me out.
My periods only became problematic when I stated steroids 14 months ago and I've always put it down to that. I also suffer with awful period pains and losing clots which again only started when taking pred. I would discuss it with your gp. X
Thanks everyone...I'm 32, no previous probs with anything like this, I've got an appt with my gp next week so hopefully I'll know more then x