I was thinking does anyone have "deformed " joints?when I hold my arms out straight my elbows are "twisted"right round (sorry cant describe it any other way).same with my knees .if I put my knees together my feet turn outwards and vice versa.I cant put my hands down by my sides without elbows sticking out.
lupus?: I was thinking does anyone have "deformed... - LUPUS UK

That sounds like hypermobility - have a look at this website hypermobility.org/help-advi....
Hi anbuma, my knees have totally changed shape and now point inwards towards eachother. My physiotherapist told me it's due to muscle wastage and upon feeling my knee caps that they are still where they should be although they look otherwise. I hope this helps.
Dear Anbuma
Yes, I have deformed joints too, main ones being my wrists, when I put my arms out my hands turn outwards, but in flare they turn inwards if that makes sense! Feet are the same too. Rheummy reckons although I do not have rheumatoid arthritis I do have 'inflammatory joint disease'. Unfortunately cannot take anti-inflammatory any more so have to rely on pain killers.
Regards Kath
My arms are like that, so was my left foot. Had it operated on twice. I've been told I have arthritis, raynards and CMT but the doctor couldn't say what type of CMT it was. Some of my symptoms don't sound like other peoples CMT though and I have been wondering if I have Lupas not CMT. I get a lot of pain in my fingers which have always been a bit bent but I get this awful sort of tingling, a bit like butterflies in your stomach. Goes down my legs, arms, fingers and chest. Does anyone else get this?
I have lupus and hypermobility too. Sort of freaks the nurses out when they go to take bloods as my arm will not lay flat. Be careful not to dislocate ankles and knees though because they become quite susceptible.