Can someone tell me what high C3 AND C4 is i have... - LUPUS UK
Can someone tell me what high C3 AND C4 is i have lupus and antiphospolipds,

Hi there, I've just done a quick search and found that C3 and C4 often shoot up after an infection or injury - so maybe if you've been unwell it could be that. C3 and C4 levels are often low in those with lupus and also if they are elevated they can quickly reduce again.
If you are not sure discuss with your GP in more detail. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Hi lupus
I've got lupus & aps too. I was told If c3 & c4 are low & falling this indicates active lupus. I've got the normal ranges written down at home so will post them latter, if it helps. X
Hi Roobarb
If you don't mind i would like to see the ranges .
normal ranges are...
C3 0.9 - 1.8
C4 0.1 - 0.5
ESR 1 -20
I hope this helps Rachel. Have you tried speaking to your rheumy nurse? They usually understand these things better than a GP & can speak directly to you rheumy if there any concerns.
Very best wishes. X

Complements are a group of proteins in the blood which are involved in the immune process. In active lupus the levels of complement (usually measure as "C3" and "C4") are low and these often provide a clue to the degree of disease activity.
Thanks for your commits i don't understand why mine were high i will have to check with GP hospital just said lupus was active i have been very unwell to.Also my ESR is high .
Were you given any new treatment or dose increase with your existing meds when they said your lupus was active, Rachel? It really sounds like you need some expert advice.
It's a way of medics keeping an eye on what your lupus is doing by checking bloods and the ranges for all sorts of things. If lupus is "active" then you're experiencing a flare up - these can be very different for each lupus sufferer - but it means you're on the radar as my GP says and they can change your medications to help the situation. So the positive thing is, it's been discovered and treatment will follow.