I have APS and lupus.....anyone else?: - LUPUS UK
I have APS and lupus.....anyone else?

yes indeedy, in fact I believe it's quite a common combination, lots of people with lupus have aps.
Yes, that is correct APS and Raynauds are both common additionals that you can get with Lupus.
Yep I have that too, one tends to develop cos of the other one
I have APS lupus and raynauds too.
Me too, Lupus, APS and Reynauds. great fun especially when the weather gets too cold - hate it, but keep smiling you are not alone. Take care
what is reynauds?
The blood drains from your extremities and they turn deathly white, I loose all feeling in hands, feet ears nose etc. become stiff Have to get in the warm - getting in hot bath helps but thats not always practical. When the blood starts flowing again finger etc go blue and can be quite painful then they return to normal. Can happen as well by touching something cold like steering wheel in the cold, hanging out washing or even with hands in cold water. Millets sell hand warmers which last for 8 hours so
in the winter they are always in my handbag. Swimming is a no no. Just try to keep in the warm and wrap up well. It comes along with the lupus but you can get it on its own. I hope it doesn't affect you, its a real pain in the winter along with every thing else us lupies have to contend with.
Keep well
Hi Annette
Yes, about 35% of people with lupus will have APS (Hughes Syndrome).
Please come and have a look at the Health Unlocked Hughes Syndrome website:hughes-syndrome.healthunloc... if you want more specific information about Hughes.
I suffer with aps and lupus, I also have aplastie anemia and reynaud disorder which affect my hands and fingers .im on codeine or morphine everyday at the moment as the pain is u bearable , the cold seem to flare it up.
just to let you k ow that you are not on your own and im here if you need a chat
Yes, I have lupus, APS and Raynaud's.
I had to look APS up, not familiar with it and no I'm not diagnosed with that. Its also known as "sticky blood". I was diagnosed with SLE in 2005, suffered from white finger and toes since I was a child but wasnt diagnosed with Raynauds disease till my late 50s early 60s. Been taking Plaquenil for over 6 years and its helped so much with Raynauds, wish I'd had something when I was little. My mother used to bathe my feet and hands in warm water...
Hi there, I have APS, Lupus, raynauds and Sjogrens. I think it is very common to have more than one autoimmune disease, since taking meds, symptoms have improved but sadly not gone away.