Hi all iv been. Very ratty this week, just thought I was coping really well with (lupus but the down side is I'm not deepdown, its very hard to explain your feelings..i have been waiting now seven months for my pip claim when i ring them they say my claim is with the case manager and that it shouldn't be much longer. I'm fed up last year i battled a insurance claim after ten long months they refused me because there was no permanent damag to my organs they should of said initially when i first claimed, i feel totally messed around by the who's system..arrrrr i work 2 part time jobs, i thought i might be able to give one up..no one apart from you guys understand my situation.
Feeling very lowe and emotional this week. Dry sk... - LUPUS UK
Feeling very lowe and emotional this week. Dry skin pain shooting in my fingers.

Hi jeevan i totally understand your situation as its alot like my own. I too work 2 part-time jobs and desperately need to give one up if not two but finances are too tight. I do get dla and my renewal under pip is due soon. Its just dragging me down the thought of having to justify why i need it is so depressing and stressful I'm so anxious about the whole process. I do have organ damage and was unlucky enough to have no insurance just hubby was fully insured as the bread winner because i thought at the time i was young 'fit and healthy' never thought id end up with a critical illness so young - i could kick myself for that. I have days too when i feel so down, because I'm sick of being sore, cant breathe, the extreme fatigue i just cry for the person i used to be, i yearn to be a fit mum & not feel 90! I really hope you get your pip but 7 months waiting that is ludicrous! I wish i could give you some good advice on how to push pip on but i think they are a law of their own!! Try not to worry, stay strong, us lupies are fighters!
Hi jeevan05. I read this and felt so sorry for you. Dealing with the DWP can be such a stressful experience and I really wish they would get their act together. I don't claim PIP but am in a 'holding pattern' for a medical for ESA (have been waiting for 9 months now; until the medical has taken place I only get ESA at the lowest rate), so I may have some idea of how you feel. Hang in there and, remember, you're not alone. Best wishes.
Hi completely get you Jeevan. When we know our finances are ok it makes the pain easier to deal with because it is one less worry to have. Hoping that you feel a bit better soon and that they blooming get a move on with your claim. Best Wishes x
Thanx everyone for your kind reply, I know its a case of hanging in there. Its just soo stressfull at times, sophieh I do feel 4 you that ur husband had critical illness and you did not get cover..thats life crap..im 39 was diagnosed last year got 2 young children..hope ur renewal goes ok..take care
Hi Jeevan
I understand your stress - I'm 39 also and diagnosed over a year ago and its just rapidly getting much much worse. Still working full time but now off sick. I'm also single mum to my son, aged 10. I have mortgage to pay etc and am so worried about what will happen. I will hang on for as long as i can, to my full time income but this is getting bad so quickly that i don't think ill make it to year end still full-time. I've started to do lots of spreadsheets and calculations about what we can live on. I need to call citizens advice tmrw re benefits - I've never claimed before but now i need to know what i might be able to get. I wonder about ESA but don't know how much they give you and how to qualified. I have critical life cover but the detail shows that i won't be covered until major organs are affected - basically you have to be so critical to qualify! I feel real rubbish at the moment. Seeing my rheumy this afternoon - going to see what he says re my meds. I have to go onto Immunosuppressants which is scaring me in itself. What is a PIP?
Take care and stay strong xx
Hi jeevan05, can only sympathise with you and everyone else that is going through this. Although I had problems when my kids were young, it didn't go 'full blown', until they were in their early teens. I don't know how I would have coped. It was bad enough. My husband too had critical cover for same reasons. He is self employed and cannot take any paid, time off. I cannot work anymore, and miss my own money. Plus it did help with our finances. I cannot get to grips with the way this country deals with their disabled, population.because that's what level some of us are at. Please keep strong and let off steam on here whenever you want. We all understand.
I know 6161 I can only sympathise, one minute it is a disabiity. The next minute it isn't..theres no help really what little there is you have to fight for.i work 2 part time jobs don't know how ling I can carry on for..take care