I have been in and out of the doctors with one first telling me he was sure it was lupus, then the blood tests coming back negative. Others have believed its Fibromyalgia and ME whilst another doesn't even 'believe' in ME. ALL of my symptoms are just so much like Lupus that I find it hard to believe its not yet. Although my doctor believes that blood tests are near enough always right, I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid a couple of years ago but that took forever to diagnose after many blood tests coming back with everything being apparently fine, until they finally found out my thyroid levels were extremely low.
What do you all think? Have you ever had this issue? I feel like I'm losing the will to push the doctors to help me. I have been ill for years and it is getting worse and worse as the years go on, especially this year.
I have also started having itchy patches that sometimes come up like those attached in the picture, even though I don't scratch it that much. Could anyone please shed some light on this?
Im so sorry you have had to read all of this but if you have got this far, thank you!
And I'm sorry for the photos, I just feel like I'm out of options :-(.