Not exactly lupus related. I guess technically it's the opposite. It seems a few people here are lupus-like though or will have been through different possibilities in diagnosis stage so I'll give it a shot.
Basically I'm wondering what to look towards if lupus tests come back clear. Currently the best fit I can find from looking at symptoms etc is Lupus, but that's looking more and more unlikely (awaiting test results now).
Background will follow, but that'll probably be kinda long so really all there is to it is what conditions or general specialities are kinda like lupus?
Okay so I've got some hypothyroidism and a bit of vitamin unbalance, which was diagnosed years ago. That hasn't really changed over the years so I'm not convinced that's what's causing stuff. I will be talking to my endo following some advice from the Thyroid forum though just to be sure things are as stable as they appear. That will be step 1.
The only symptom that's ever caused me is tiredness/ fatigue and that has been if anything improving up until more recent events...
About a year ago I went on holiday and got a nasty pain in my leg. It lasted for like a month in total and kinda warped into both legs being utterly knackered. Some time during that I saw a rheumy. They diagnosed me with palindromic rheumatism (a bit like rheumatoid arthritis, but with no joint damage and more random).
Honestly I'm not too sure why it ended up being a rehumy I saw. There were some other milder issues going on too and I think a rather hollistic osteopath kinda triggered the whole autoimmune question in my head.
Anyway since then things have changed a bit. Those milder issues became a bit worse/ more frequent, a couple of other things started and the pains became less random and just stuck around for the most part.
I went back to see my rheumy and he says it no longer fits with PR because it does not go back to normal between flares. He also doesn't think it fits any other form of rheumatism and I had an ultrasound just to double confirm it wasn't RA. I asked about lupus and he was pretty confident it won't be that, but ordered a blood test anyway which I'm waiting on results for.
Given what he's said it seems unlikely this test will come back positive and he's told me that all he can offer now is symptomatic treatment. I'm not so keen on just accepting a mystery condition messing with my body though, especially not after just seeing one type of consultant.
So I'm starting to work on plans B, C, D etc. First thing is checking in with my thyroid, but I'm not putting all my eggs in that basket. I have no earthly idea what else to look into though. Hopefully some of you can point me in some directions.
Symptoms include:
Tiredness/ fatigue. I send the majority of my time at home doing nothing (one hour of volunteer work each week and the occasional trip to town). Despite this some days I'm so tired I need a nap in the 12-ish hours I'm awake.
I'm starting to wake up knackered and achy.
My body is almost constantly aching or in pain at least somewhere (legs and arm mostly).
I'm getting more frequent pains in my side.
My hair is becoming more and more grey (in my early 20s).
I'm getting itching and some redness.
My vision seems off (blurry maybe?). It seems to be related to light.
I am becoming less and less able to comprehend what's being said on TV if there is any other noise going on (I'm using subtitles a fair bit). This is despite being able to hear the sound itself.
I sometimes feel tired or faint after taking a piss.
Minimal activity ruins me (a wander around the shops) more often than not.
I am having increasing issues with feeling dizzy, faint, hot or otherwise uneasy.
I appear to be getting more frequent headaches.
I'm not sure if I'm getting redness on my cheeks (in the butterfly rash area) or if I'm just blushing a lot.
I feel weak/ achy to the extent that getting out of the bath is genuine effort
So yeah if anybody has any ideas, tips or whatever that would e awesome. I get that this is all assuming the lupus test and thyroid stuff come back fine but I really just want to be prepared to get stuff moving asap cos feeling like this is becoming a right drag and with the PR diagnosis gone I'm answer-less. Also, silly as it is, I have a holiday coming up so kinda need to have some idea of what to declare on the travel insurance.
Sorry for the wall of text. Props to anybody who makes it through all of it.
Thanks a bunch in advance for any response. I'm honestly feeling pretty damn stressed atm. I've even essentially lost my support network cos it was PR based and I don't have that any more.