Anyone else had to have a scalp biopsy? - LUPUS UK


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Anyone else had to have a scalp biopsy?

Belee profile image
19 Replies

Just had to have 2 scalp biopsies yesterday afternoon due to my extensive hair loss. Sooooo painful and now the anaesthetic has worn off it's excruciating and not to mention the continual bleeding. Couldn't lie on the two areas ( back of head and one side) due to the pain so sleep was difficult. Has anyone else had this and if so what did you do to help with the pain, stop the constant oozing of blood and get some sleep??

Thank you xxx

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Belee profile image
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19 Replies
Slowmo profile image

Morning Belee, I'm so sorry you are suffering in this way. I've not experienced this treatment but I would assume that the wounds should not continue to 'ooze' blood and also you should get some pain relief in order that you can sleep, I would ring the hospital who performed the biopsies, or at least your GP.

All the best.

Purpletop profile image

I haven't had this but feeling for you! How much hair were you losing for them to do a biopsy?? I've been losing hair continuously for the past few years but no one suggested I should have this.

Belee profile image
Belee in reply to Purpletop

Thanks slowmo, will ring my GP this morning. I've lost about two thirds of my hair purpletop....not sure what they're hoping to see from the biopsy but hoping that something positive will come from this ordeal! X

chatorednose profile image

I have had a scalp biopsy, that is how i got the diagnoses, i now have red hairless spots from the lupus, about 2 years ago. still have spots on my head the doctor says the hair will not grow back in those areas. Just loseing the hair should not require a biopsy unless you have the red spots or other spots on your head. Did the dr, tell you what they are looking for, i had stiches in mine.

madmagz profile image

HI Belee

I totally sympathise with you, I too have had scalp biopsies and suffer hair loss and sores on my scalp, I suffered after my biopsies and saw my GP's practice nurse who dressed the wound sites with special dressings that did not need sticking with tape as I had such sore scalp but they held themselves in place - like the ones used on burns patients. From the results my consultant was able to give me a cream that cleared the sores after suffering from them for years I still have the hair loss but have got used to this and it saves me a fortune but I have noticed recently now that my scalp is healthy that I do have some tufty regrowth.

I hope that your scalp heals quickly and you notice regrowth too,

good luck

Madmagz x

Belee profile image
Belee in reply to madmagz

Thanks madmagz, have seen my GP who has redressed my wounds and given me strong painkillers. Glad to hear you've seen some positive results since your biopsys. Am now feeling hopeful! Xxx

madmagz profile image
madmagz in reply to Belee

Hi Belee glad you are feeling hopeful now and that you have had your dressings done, with luck this has made you more comfortable. I hope that you soon get some good news from your biopsies and can go on to get some treatment that helps your skin and hair loss.

Good luck and all the best

Madmagz x

Foss profile image

Hi Belee. The wounds shouldn't be bleeding and although I know that scalp biopsies can be very painful some fairly strong painkillers should help. Seek advice urgently from hospital who did biopsy. I've had several done for a condition called Folliculitis Decalvans which, I'm told, is not related to any of the other autoimmune problems I have. Have you got or had severe and painful lesions on your scalp which ooze and then crust over and dry, taking all the hair with it when scab comes away? Good luck, but seek advice.

Belee profile image
Belee in reply to Foss

Thanks Foss, I've seen my GP so feeling a little better now. I don't have scabs on my head but sometimes get bleeding spots/lumps and there is hardly any hair left to come away!! Xxx

michellew profile image

Hi I've had several done but I've taken loads of string painkillers to ease the pain but I've not had the bleeding .. Are ur stitches ok ? I wouldn't leave it too long but get it checked out .. But take the painkillers regular that mite help with pain ..

Belee profile image
Belee in reply to michellew

Hi Michellew, thankfully the bleeding has stopped and the nurse says the stitches are ok. I'm taking strong painkillers 6 hourly which helps but the only thing is that both sites are too painful to lie on in bed. One is at the back of my head and the other is on one side so Sleeping is still an issue which is making me incredibly grumpy! How long was it before you were able to lie on them? Xxx

michellew profile image
michellew in reply to Belee

I've had a double biopsy in same area and another on on another part of my scalp it took a few days to adjust but got there in the end just keep up with the painkillers and ull notice in a few days

Belee profile image
Belee in reply to michellew

Thank you xxx

Musicl profile image

I had scalp biopsy two days ago, and was really scared about having it, as I am dead scared of needles, but it was OK. Initially, as the needle goes in it stings, but as soon soon as the needle hits the scalp, the numbing starts really quickly, and then all you feel is movement in your head, but no pain. After about two hours, the numbness wore off, and then all I could feel was a slight pulling where the stitches were, for which I took paracetamol. Today (48 hours later) I was able to wash my hair, but had to be careful of the stitches. I have to go and get the stitches taken out at my own doctor's surgery after one week. I would say to anyone having the biopsy not to be afraid, it sounds much worse than it is, honestly. (and that comes from a coward, when it comes to any kind of surgery!)

Stokes9 profile image
Stokes9 in reply to Musicl

I've just got a letter through telling me I have one on Tuesday. I'm terrified. These may sound like stupid questions but how much do they take away? Are you left with a large bald patch? I feel like I should have asked more questions and feel very unprepared!

Acah profile image
Acah in reply to Stokes9

Hi I’ve to get this done aswell I’m terrified I never asked any questions either what happened xx

Stokes9 profile image
Stokes9 in reply to Acah

I went back to ask questions and the doctor decided that there was no point in having them unless there was inflammation. I'm still wondering whether to seek another opinion. Hope your goes well. Please let us know how you get on.

Kpulli profile image

I don’t know where you guys are getting this done but I’ve just had 2 scalp biopsy’s and you cannot feel a thing. Let me talk you through my experience... FYI I’m a 31 year old female.

Went in to see my dermatologist - he gave me some ice packs and he put them on my head and I held them for about 10 minutes until the area was cold. Once cold he put in some needles (approx 6 with local anesthetic). I could not feel this at all - maybe a mild scratch but far less painful than an eye brown wax or a needle in your gum if you’ve had this at the dentist. I was chatting the whole way through. Pain scale literally a 1 our of 10.

Next we had a chat for a few mins to let the anesthetic settle in. He then got a razor thing and took a small 4mm core sample from two places in my head. Could not feel ANYTHING while this was happening, nothing. He then stitched up the area with one or two stitches. No blood.

He told me to have a panadol and go home and apply ice on and off for 20 mins for 5 hours. Which I’ve been doing for the last 3 hours... I still feel absolutely fine. No pain so far.

I’ll update tomorrow but wanted to make sure people knew that this actually isn’t anything to worry about... I appreciate not all people react the same way but there is a lot of negative stuff on the internet which doesn’t necessary reflect reality sometimes .

CSLO profile image

Hi all, I had three punch biopsies done yesterday, two on the scalp and one on my elbow and was advised the scalp would be painful once the anaesthetic wore off and to take simple pain killers like paracetamol. These aren't helping at all with the pain which kicked in immediately. Was anyone advised that they could use anything else to help with the pain, it feels like razorblades slicing my scalp. I had to have a thyroid fine needle aspiration two weeks ago and they advised against Ibuprofen as pain relief, no idea why, I'm therefore unsure about using an NSAID.

Many thanks.

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