Does anybody else have problems with their jaw locking ? It can lockup for days then ease and just ache.. This has been coming and going for a few months now. I also get terrible ear ache on the same side has the jaw left hand side. My rhummi asked if i gritted my teeth while asleep, and has far has im aware i dont. I do wake alot with my jaw and hands fiercely clenched. She wanted me to have a night brace fitted.. didnt want to have this..
Lock Jaw: Does anybody else have problems with... - LUPUS UK
Lock Jaw

Yes I have been experience this!
It makes eating a b###h because I can only open my mouth wide enouth and when i forget and yawn its agony!
I honestly thought it was kinda in my head
Ik getting a night sheild its called TMJ clenching and grinding teeth
I was also diagnosed as having TMJ and my dentist had the night brace made for me. Since then it has eased a bit. I used to have earache and jaw pain and thought it was in my heard. After going to an ENT specialist that's when I was told along with hearing loss. My Rheumy asked about grinding teeth of which I said I don't but realised later that I might be as I woke up one day with a bit tongue.! It is really hard to understand but for me it's hit better. Hope you find a solution. Take care x
yes have had it for a number of years its usually ware and tare that's what you get told the cartilage will be disappearing from the joint g
Hi, no defo not alone my lupus started in my jaw last year, I couldn't open my mouth wide don't wori sometimes I have pain linking to my ear..aswel
.t.c suki
thank you bluebell my rummi didnt know what to do. looks like another put up and shut up pardon the pun lol
thank you everybody. I really dont want a guard but pleased it is part of the lupus and not something else.