Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and I would appreciate some insight just in case I test positive for Lupus. (I tested positive once for Lupus, but the NHS want to double check with another blood test)
So when I was a very young child I had very bad colic and I was always having reflux as a child and was quiet a poorly kid, as I got into my teens I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) So it was a lot easier to manage, but when I turned eighteen years old back in June 27th 2008 after my sisters engagement party, I was so violently ill that night from one o'clock in the morning till the early hours of say six o'clock in the morning I was unable to get off the toilet and I was in absolutely agony and I was crying in pain. As the months went by I was very underweight I must of weighed nine stone so I went through a process of getting better again, but that evening left a massive impact on my health as the stomach problems remained so I kept going back to my GP and telling her that the symptoms remained and so by mid-2009 I was referred to have a gastroscopy by a Gastroentoroloigsit, which showed I had moderate Gastritis and Esophagitis So I went back and saw the Gastro doctor and he told me to take omeprazole but the tablets had no effect on the symptoms.. Through out 2010 and 2011 I just had to get on with the pain and think nothing of it, but by say mid Spring 2012 I was really unwell. I was unable to eat, my stomach was raw and my esophagus would shut when I tried to eat anything.. When I went for a bowl movement I discovered I was passing blood when I had violent bowel movements, I went on to see my doctor who referred me back to the gastro doctor and he then referred me to have another gastroscopy, when the day of the proceed came I was told I had Gastritis, Esophagitis and Multiple Peptic ulcers.. This shows that my stomach was getting a lot worse. Around the end of the year I was in a lot of pain and so my grandparents offered me their medication Solpadol which is codeine phosphate and paracetamol, I took some and by a click of a finger the pain would dissapear and I was so relieved, so I managed to persuade my doctor to prescribe me them which was good.
At the beggining of this year I was very unwell I was displaying these rash like patterns on my stomach I told my GP about them and she told me to take a picture of the rash like pigment, so I did. I was asked to have a specialised blood test to see what the cause was and my doctor told me it was a flare up of the blood vessels around the abdomen area where I'm always so swollen and bloated I phoned up the Doctors reception desk to see what the results were and they said the results were negative and I had also got a letter that same following week asking if I could have a routine blood test in twelve weeks time which was August this month. So I asked the nurse why my blood was being taken without purpose and she told me the blood test I had taken for the skin problem actual came back positive for Lupus, and I was very shocked and saddened that the NHS had kept me in the dark about this. This routine blood test was to determine now whether I had this disease or not.
So what I need to know is: Is this disease life threatening? What are the things I need to avoid? Is there any support out there? What do I do about the NHS keeping me in the dark?
My names is Travis and I'm 23