I finally got to see the dermatologist about the redness on my nose and cheeks. I had had three months worth of antibiotics and creams after the doctor diagnosed rosacea (I have been diagnosed with fibro but have had a positive ANA test in the past) but it didn't make any difference. The dermatologist I saw was a waste of time - he was more concerned about a spot (yes a spot!) that I had which i knew was because of PMT - said I should keep me eye on it in case it was cancer! Idiot - how could he not tell a spot from cancer. He also said to take antibiotics again when I got the spots and pustules - even though I told him about three times that I never got the pustules that you normally see with rosacea. Mine is a flat redness. What should I do now? Should I go back to my doctor AGAIN and say I want a second opinion. I really thought the dermatologist might consider a biopsy when I mentioned my previous ANA test and my fibro - but alas, he didn't even know what fibro was. I feel such an idiot going to the doctors all the time. I keep having fluctuating liver function tests and now have to go for an endoscopy so I know there is something going on - I just don't know what!
Grrrrrrrr. The dermatologist was my last hope.... - LUPUS UK
Grrrrrrrr. The dermatologist was my last hope....

hi, i would ask for a second opinion and dont let them make you feel like a second class citizen , i was diagnoised with lupus through biopsys, and then i had 2 get a second opinion on the fibro but that was rheumy not dermy so dont just make do , i did for 12 years until diagnoised 3 years ago ,hope ive helped x
Thanks for reminding I am not insane! Honestly had enough of idiot medical profession. I think I will do that. I have to go back to doctors for some other things anyway (including more LFT's and a mysterious lump that has appeared at the top of my leg) so will raise it then. Can't believe you suffered for 12 years. The NHS is so broken. xx
Hey, just saw ur post. u hav my sympathy as had same palava with my gp, had biopsy at derm which split and due 3rd op next couple months to mend hole on nose! Seems to b so much ignorance about lupus. For ages was told burning on cheeks was nothing to do with lupu, or tiredness, or joint aches...my advice is persist and b firm, u kno ur own body better than anyone and deserve the right care. Since being on anti malarials my joint pain has eased. Dont loose heart, hugs, x
Hi what a shame you saw such an unhelpful dermatologist, chocolate and teapot come to mind here! I know how upsetting this can be especially when you are desperate for a diagnosis so that something can be done for it. If I was in your predicament I personally would ask for a second opinion as I was diagnosed through having a combination of biopsies and blood tests. The anxiety this has caused you won't do you any good so I hope you have an understanding G.P. who will listen to your predicament and see that you were treated unfairly and get you a referral to another hospital and another dermatologist, unfortunately in some areas that seems to be one thing that there is a shortage of I found that the one I used to see I had to traveled on four buses and now go in to London to Guys but the man I see is so worth it as he knows about lupus as I was referred to him from the lupus centre at St Thomas'.
I would like to just say you may find that your worst enemy is U.V. light and your best friend is a factor fifty or above sun screen as you may find that you become photosensitive, that is worth looking into later on.
Good luck and I hope you get to see someone with a bit of empathy in them soon and all your other investigations go well
Madmagz x
I had the same issue when I was diagnosed!
Eventually I was given a biopsy on one the lesions on my back but it actually came up inconclusive however something came up in my bloods so they diagnosed me with discoid lupus (after being told I had ringworm for a year!)
I was then diagnosed with systemic lupus two years later.
I would recommend you write a letter of complaint to your GP and insist you get a 2nd opinion.
I would like to say that is what I did but I was a lot younger then so my mum did it for me....lol