enough. Hi my daughter has just turned 20 and recently diagnosed with SLE. She had to drop out of uni and cannot claim jobseekers as she is not fit enough to work. She has applied for EAS but looking at the questionnaire half of it doesn't apply to her. Is she likely to receive any benefits or is there anything else she can claim?
Hi my daughter has just turned 20 and recently di... - LUPUS UK
Hi my daughter has just turned 20 and recently diagnosed with SLE. She had to drop out of uni and cannot claim jobseekers as she is not fit

It is probably best to consult your local Citizens Advice Bureau regarding the application. Many people with lupus successfully claim ESA and DLA. Lupus itself isn't classed as a disability though. It depends what symptoms and how severe they are before someone with lupus is classed that way. CAB will be able to advise you on what she would be entitled to and help you fill out the forms too.
Re the above I was a revenue and benefits officer, ( in a past life) lol! I would also advice that you provide a covering letter explaining about the condition and how this affects your daughter on a day to day basis. i would also submit a dr;s letter or one from her consultant to confirm the conditions and any medications that she may be taking. It would also be worthwhile applying for DLA if her mobility is also affected.
please go to CAB also if she is not fit to work get the drs to give her sick notes to hand it at the job center while you sort out which group of esa she is entitled to.
i get the old incapacity benefit and DLA but was incially refused both. so dont give uo also do the from from a bad day. CAB have been a massive help.
the way they word the questions is to put you off so you dont think you qualify.
Thanks Tatty the questions are very offputting!
theres a website that tell you how to fill the forms in at benefits and work you have to pay a fee but the describe each question and tell you how to fram your answers in a way the asser can understand a friend has just used it with her ME and got put in the no work related