my mum is 82 and losing her appetite.she has just... - LUPUS UK


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my mum is 82 and losing her appetite.she has just had a fall and is staying with ive noticed how much she is not eating.this is

patty1 profile image
5 Replies

not just since her fall as she noticed herself the lack of fancying food .she says food has no taste at all.

has anyone any ideas how to get an appetite it is a worry


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patty1 profile image
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5 Replies
janiceray profile image


I cannot say why Mum has lost her appetite, maybe you should ask her doctor.

not sure if you are your Mum has Lupus !!

I hope you get this sorted soon.

helentad profile image

Hi, my Nanna lost her appetite as she got older (94 when she passed). It's natural apparently. If she went out we would get her a small (child) size portion, at home we would put extra flavours like herbs and woustershire sauce to add flavour (salt even though it's supposed to be bad. But at that age I don't think it matters). My Nanna liked omelettes which my mum would add a dash of woustershire sauce and ham and peas and onions or challotts and even celery. Anything that has a flavour but in moderation. If she doesn't feel like eating don't push her as she will start to think she is I'll or worrying you. It's a bit of a vicious circle but you will get there.

The other thing my mum used to do was cook things from her that is my nannas childhood that she liked and as a treat she seemed to love it. Even getting her to eat pudding is better than nothing. Say bread and butter pudding with currants and raisins add some nutmeg to enhance flavour or even cinnamon. Rice pudding the old fashioned way with a skin on (bet she wants the skin, it's the best bit). Try looking at some old cookbooks or bribe the kids to say they are doing ww2 cooking in school and get her to show them. Then she will have to eat it to prove its not poison (which I'm sure the kids will think it is as I remember doing it and saying I am not eating that. Lol).

Anyway good luck and don't panic but yes you are right to watch her in case it goes to far. But then it's normal as your not moving etc you don't need the calories. (if she smoked that won't help with the taste).


patty1 profile image

Hi Helen thank you for answering my concern,i will try all that.see how it goes.thank you once again.


bodicea profile image

Hi Patti1

try using an aperitif - like a small sherry - as they are an appetite stimulants. If she can't taste anything maybe her tongue is coated. we used to freeze pineapple chunks or we would make lemon and lime or pineapple ice cubes for sucking to cleanse the palette. If you nan is not really geting her reqiured nutrition then there are things like build up and complan and other things avaialbe on prescrition. i would adivse getting in touch with her health visitor who can sort some nutritional supplements for you. Also try not to overface her the more you fuss the less successful you will be. we used to have a book with recipes for the infirm! it contained things like milk jellt colts foot jellt but they were very east to digest foods abit like rice pudding semolina, custard. things she would hae eaten as a child.

I know how distressing it must be when your loved ones are not well and you feel as if you can not do anything but don't forget your nan won't need as many calories as you as she is more sedentery and her metobolism will have slowed. but make sure she has reguar check ups by her doctor and her health visitor (everyone over the age of fifty has a dedicated health visitor or should have by law).. good luck and just be with your Nan and tell her how mmuch she means to you. All the best Bodiea xxxx

patty1 profile image

Thankyou Bodicea, how caring you are.i will try these things for mum.she does like re pudding and such like.thankyou very much

Lynn xxx

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