Polls - Lung Cancer Support | HealthUnlocked

Lung Cancer Support

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Are you signed up for GO2 for Lung Cancer email updates?

What type of lung cancer were you or your loved one diagnosed with?

Do you or have your ever received palliative care?

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What type of lung cancer did you or your loved one get diagnosed with? See reason for this poll in comments below.

How comfortable do you feel discussing sexual health issues with your doctor? Rate and comment below.

Which of the following best describes you or your loved one’s concerns about lung cancer care during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Would you like ALCF to post information about clinical trial results and clinical trial opportunities from our partners?

What is your connection with lung cancer?

Will you be joining us for the Ask Me Anything event for precision medicine and lung cancer tomorrow?

How are you touched by lung cancer?

How has your type of lung cancer responded to treatment?

At what age were you (or a loved one) diagnosed with lung cancer?

Approximately how long did you have health concern(s) or symptom(s) before contacting a doctor?

How has the diagnosis affected your career?

Will you be attending the very first Free to Breathe HealthUnlocked Ask Me Anything today?

What provides the biggest impact during Lung Cancer Awareness Month?

Do you feel that your doctor helped you understand lung cancer treatments?

In what way do you prefer to discuss about lung cancer?

What affects your participation (posts and comments) on the community? Select all that apply.

What type of content would you like to see more of in the Free to Breathe HealthUnlocked community?

How long did it take from when you first saw your primary doctor about your condition’s symptoms to when you saw a specialist?

What was your greatest source of support when you were diagnosed with lung cancer?

Which of the following best describes the events which led to your diagnosis of lung cancer?

How has your lung cancer responded to treatment?

Did you know others affected by lung cancer before joining this community?

Were you told the stage of the lung cancer when you/the person you care for were diagnosed?

Write a post or ask a question