Which of the following best describes ... - Lung Cancer Support
Which of the following best describes the events which led to your diagnosis of lung cancer?
I was at work and had a seizure at my desk due to the lung cancer metastasizing to my brain and my brain was swelling
Pneumonia for no reason that caused it.
I had a nagging cough that wouldn't go away after a course of amoxicillin , so rather than a chest x Ray my dr said a ct scan would be better, that is how it was found . Stage 1 squamous cell carcinoma . 1.6 cm right lower lobe, no symptoms other than dry mild hacking cough.
Pneumonia wasn't getting better, went to ER, scan discovered lung cancer - adenocarcenoma, stage 3B
Had ultra sound for possible gerd and my left lung appeared in ultra sound
I went to primary doctor because I was exhausted and pain in lower rib area. He ordered xray and put me on antibiotics. He thought I had pneumonia. Month later ordered another xray and then mri. He looked at xray and my fingernails. He was pretty sure I had cancer. He wanted to perform a needle biopsy. Moved back to California to be with family. More testing done. Confirmed nsclc. Went thru radiation and chemo. Remission now and will be going back for pt scan in July.
cancer was found with a chest x-ray in the er
I was kind of lucky the dr in er found it. It was small slow growing but aggresive it had gotten into my lympe nodes.
I went to Drs. 4 times over 2 years with symptoms; ended up in the ER at which time it was diagnosed.
I saw a doctor, but it took two years to identify problem!
Was found when orthopedist ordered upper shoulder (brachial plexus) MRI. Found small lesion in upper right lobe and it was removed after Pulmonologist ruled out infection. Stage 1b.