How comfortable do you feel discussing... - Lung Cancer Support
How comfortable do you feel discussing sexual health issues with your doctor? Rate and comment below.
Both men and women are welcomed to participate in the poll above.
If you have not heard yet, the Lung Cancer Registry has launched a landmark new survey on the impact of lung treatments on women’s sexual health. And, we would love for all women diagnosed with lung cancer to take our Sexual Health Survey.
The aim is to explore the magnitude of the problem and give researchers and clinicians new insights to improve the quality of life for women lung cancer survivors.
If you would like to learn more about the Sexual Health Assessment in Women with Lung Cancer (SHAWL) survey, here is the link to read about it:
To participate in the registry and the SHAWL study, here is the link:
difficult sometimes to see the doctor you want to as there are many doctors at my practice. luck of the draw who you will get.