Hello. Recently I came across a study that tested the homeopathic Lymphomyosot on lymphedema mice. It did not regenerate lymphatic vessels, but the swelling came down significantly ( probably due to anti-inflammatory benefits ). I had never heard of this and then I looked it up, I came across some forum with fellow lymphies who used tablets, most of them without any results. The stuff used with mice, however, were injections. Apparently you can buy this online... Anyone had this kind of treatment? I am not so much of a homeopathic believer (although since I juice a lot , my water balans is much better) and we need to be open-minded :). The study in mice seemed really professional...
lymphomyosot: Hello. Recently I came across a study that... - LSN

hey thanks for your reply! was it in tablets or injections if i can ask?
Can you give us the link to where it is available online? I can't find any references to trials on humans of this substance, in either tablet or infusion - with the exception of mice experiments.
Hi, I have primary lymphoedema in all 4 limbs. I have used Lymphomyosot drops (you take them in water) for some time and I definitely think there has been improvement. Although I have also changed my diet drastically with the help of a nutritionist as I have intestinal lymphangiectasia (lymphoedema of the gut) so it is perhaps not so straightforward to think that Lymphomyosot is solely responsible! I wasn't aware you could buy it online - mine is prescribed by a homeopath.
Thanks! Yes you can buy them online but i dont know if you can trust this... Happy to hear you had some improvement, even it is from other changes in food etc.
This all sounds very interesting. I have over the years used other homeopathic remedies (for other conditions I mean) so would be interested in reading more about Lymphomyosot tablets/drops. This is the first I have heard of this remedy so I will definitely investigate further!
i will pass the link i found about the testing on mice / ... later (on android not very convenient) but it is from the company 'Heel', Germany. I have read scepsis before saying this company sells lots of non FDA approved stuff to US. But years later now a medical trial on mice did show significant reduce in swelling with mice (not by creating new vessels but by anti-inflammatory )... Sometimes hard to know who to believe ... Therefor i will make appointment this week with a 'regular' doctor who is also a homeophatic doctor to ask about this . I am very interested in the injections (although i realise any injection in le site is dangerous for infection) for the reason that this might work local..I have a very stubborn spot that will not go away ever and now it is getting more firm and fibrotic :(. So i have to check other options to reverse this... I come back with the links and the opinion from the doctor later this week. sorry for my english (not my mother language obviously )
Thanks Kharimata x
Hey I have been to the doctor. First she told me to try the Lymphoyosot injections. But when I told her I am allergic to penicillin (what is regularly proscribed when you get erysipelas or other skin infection) she said it was better to try the drops and gel for a longer period and see how it goes. Every needle pin can theoretically cause an infection so I understand she is very careful. I am on the drops now for 3 weeks. I must say I see some changes: I have the feeling I can do more / a day without aggravating the situation.... which is already enough for me. I am going to use it for more extra 2 months and see how it goes. I am a very active person. (well.. I used to be : / ) When I can get a little bit of that back I am already a happy person... X
Can you PM me the link to the online supplier?
Hey, I am from Belgium so most of the online suppliers that I find are in Dutch... But if you google them I am sure you will find it online for your area too. In my case I found the tablets, drops and ampules in the pharmacy next door! I paid 13 euro for 30 ml drops.. the tablets are more expensive and the ampules even more (70 euro/ package)... I have just started so to early to tell. On top of that the temperature came down dramatically this week at the same time I started so there is improvement already but could be just because it is much colder... Hmmm
Far too technical for me ! But I'm sure it will be of interest to members who understand such things. My Lymphodema is straight forward. My regular general practice nurse is expert in dealing with my condition. When fluid leaks from the skin surface in my legs, this happens about twice a year so then I see her twice weekly for the following ten weeks or so during which time she binds both my legs tightly with self adhesive crepe bandage which normally solves the problem for about the following six months. I hope this information is helpful to anyone who reads it.
The only thing I could read is that it is considered to be used after surgery to prevent lymphedema ... but willing to look further, thanks for the post as I am always researching .. have had lymphedema 5 yrs now and though I am managing it fairly well .. I am pretty appalled at the lack of medical information and education of doctors about the lymph system and most info I get is not from MD's! Here is my best things I do now I wrote for another person : I have lymphedema of the right leg for 5 yrs now and this is what I do daily to manage it.. I do wear compression garments, I wear capris and then a custom knee hi that has cushions for the ankles so the fluid doesn't collect there.
Every day I drink a tea, lots of it.. the main ingredient is Burdock root but I also add ginger, and in the summer I like Hibiscus ( Jamaica ) flowers and winter I use chai spices... Really, add anything you like .. I add sometimes Ayurvedic herbs,. just so long there is a good about Burdock root. Burdock is not only a diuretic but a lymph cleanser.. what happens with plain diuretics is that they remove the fluid but not the waste the lymph's system's job is to move and process.. The reason why Burdock root is so important is that your tissues won't be bathing in concentrated waste once the water is gone and less likely to get inflammed. Makes sense? All Doctors can do is prescribe drugs and there is no drug that does what Burdock root does.. you may think the limb looks better but the tissues are not being cleaned and the concentration makes it worse... Drink most earlier in the day, taper off towards night , try to have your last meal 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.. your lymph with thank you...
I also swim .. get in the water it is so freeing and relaxing, you are not toiling like other exercises especially the way I do it!!.. The water has compression so you don't have to exercise with compression garments on.. you don't get sweaty, you are not fighting gravity, and all your muscles are being used and that means the lymph is moving.. since the lymph system has no pump like the heart for the blood , it depends on muscular movement to get the fluid moving. You are also breathing with the moving .. lowering stress. I swim very slowly as if it was yoga... even on my back 50% of the time just flutter kicking.. I also like the breast stroke with frog kick, One stroke, one breath. I swim every three days or so for hour.. sometimes an hour and half. Your sleep will improve and your body can go into an effective repair mode.
I sleep with my leg elevated every night with a bunch of pillows... many mornings I can see the veins in my foot... that is a good sign...
I am using the least amount of salt, sugar, carbs I can. I eat lots of veggies, protein and full fat dairy..... Doctors mean well but they spend less time on the lymph than nutrition,, there is no doctor of the lymph and they have no training with the system... The best advise I got came from Naturopathic Doctors, Chiropractors, especially sports medicine as they are working with soft tissue and lymph a lot, and physical therapists who are trained in manual drainage therapies.. though I find the swimming more effective than the drainage massage, though good... it is passive in comparison to swimming. Hope some of this resonates and maybe find helpful!
Violetta, what a good post--so much useful information. I did not know about burdock tea. BTW, I have lymphedema of the left leg due to surgery long ago and I also wear compression stockings.
I'm so glad! Yes I have doubled down on swimming as described if you can ... I now swim 1 1/2 hr 4-5 x week... in the afternoon - gives me a bit if a reset from the swelling since standing up every morning out of bed is countdown for the fluid to collect.
I think as the years go by .. the maintenance becomes more demanding and the reality of the progressive nature of this condition is real... do as much movement as you can! .. and if you have been upright for many hours earlier in the day give your leg a break and lift it above your heart in the afternoon for a bit if you dont make it to the pool! Best Wishes!