I have LE in my right leg and wear class 3 compression stockings on a daily basis. The problem is that since I first discovered that I had Lymphoedema and subsequently was advised to wear compression, I have not had any period of time where I have not done so for an extended period of time. My right leg is now more or less back to normal size having reduced from around 50% larger than the left.
I am thinking I may be able to get away with only wearing them every other day or even less, however am very reluctant to put this to the test as I really don't want the swelling to come back. To be honest as much as I hate wearing the stockings I have got used to them now and they are part of my daily life, however if I could skip a couple of days a week with no ill effect then I would be happy.
Has anyone got any experience with doing this and if so what would your suggestions be?