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About LSN

Welcome to the Lymphoedema Support Network community. The LSN is a registered charity run by people who live with lymphoedema. Lymphoedema is a build up of fluid resulting in swelling that develops as a result of an impaired lymphatic system. This may be because the lymphatic system has not developed properly or through damage or trauma. It can affect any part of the body but is most commonly seen in an arm or a leg. Although thought to be relatively uncommon, a recent study has estimated that at least 240,000 people in the UK may be affected. Although lymphoedema can't be cured, its main symptoms of swelling and the risk of infection in the affected area can, with treatment, be controlled and often significantly improved. The LSN offers a telephone information and support line, quarterly newletters, a wide range of fact sheets, a website, self management advice and much more.

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The LSN recieves no statutory funding and is reliant on the generocity of our supporters to continue our work

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