What I wish I had known (and what I hav... - Living with Asthma

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What I wish I had known (and what I have learnt through trial and error šŸ˜…)

EmmaF91 profile image
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In no particular order:

1. Asthma is different for everyone. Obvious now, but starting out to me asthma was asthma - a blue pump fixed it and a brown pump prevented it. Now I know all the different types and severity, and that everyone gets different symptoms! Not everyone has allergies, not everyone wheezes, not everyone finds that pred helps! Some people only need a blue pump, others need a mountain of drugs.

2. Itā€™s normal to be tired when ill so take time to recover after attacks/hospitalisation. For a long time I would be in hospital one day and the next at uni/coaching. This usually led to a relapse within the week, or a very tired/emotional Emma! I know to take time out to recover after each attack so that it doesnā€™t happen again!

3. Donā€™t ā€˜wait it outā€™ - my asthma worsened whilst at uni. As a 20 year old, I would just see if it would calm down by itself, waiting months before seeking help even if I was over-relying on my ventolin. I now know the soon itā€™s treated the less likely it is to get severe and the quicker Iā€™ll get over it!

4. Donā€™t be afraid to make a fuss - keep going back to the doctor if youā€™re not well. Just because theyā€™ve seen you for 10mins does not mean they know what youā€™re going through. If youā€™re in hospital and donā€™t feel safe to go home, donā€™t let them send you home! Usually you know your body best and better 1 night more than 10 after another bad attack.

5. You can still have attacks whilst on steroids - I always thought this was a fix all, until my PF dropped 50% despite being on high steroids (and a lot of salbutamol - went to my GP because I thought they could do something šŸ˜… - they sent me straight to hospital

6. Itā€™s important to take all your meds, but not all you meds may be working - donā€™t stop taking them without approval, but try to work out what is/isnā€™t working for you. I managed to stop 3 different drugs after we worked out they werenā€™t really helping that much!

7. Doctors can be wrong (even specialists) - They see you for a short amount of time and ā€˜judgeā€™ you. I presented at my specialist hospital completely asymptomatic so I didnā€™t have asthma, they took me off 90% of my meds and sent me home. 1 week later massive infection and asthma attack, made to wait til specialist appt (2 months)to get my old meds back - panic and melt down when I had my appt and admitted for 5 days hydrocortisone therapy - never has so many apologies from docs and nurses!

8. Different hospitals have different criteria for ITU or admission. My old hospital had a tiny itu and no HDU, so to get a bed there required intubation. My new hospitals itu is bigger so a life-threatening attack with lingering symptoms (or borderline intubation) sends you there (or to HDU). Now I struggle to answer ā€˜have you ever been to ITU?ā€™ - not at my old one, but under the new hospital I would have been several times!

9. You donā€™t have to let asthma control your life - you have severe asthma, but their is almost always a treatment that will help (biologicals etc). Donā€™t be afraid to go out with friends if having mild issues, donā€™t miss social events youā€™ve been looking forward too unless you really have too. Work when you can, rest when you need!

10. Peak flows are personal. Yes thereā€™s an average, but if your best is higher it doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have asthma, and if your best is lower it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re unfit or very asthmatic. Theyā€™re a lot of factors affecting what your best may be. Just work it out and look up your red/yellow boundaries - ignore everyone elseā€™s!

11. Asthma plans are important but can go out of date - A change of meds - new plan, a new best PF - new plan, a change in control - new plan. Always remember to update it when needed and give/put in relevant places (school/work/fridge etc)

12. Colouring in your PF meter is helpful - when Iā€™m ill I canā€™t do maths so PF can be interesting esp when I have the shakes. Easy solution - colour in your PF meter (green, yellow, red, black) so when you blow the zone is easy to see as the pointer is ā€˜inā€™ the zone. It looks Rasta but every doc whose ever seen mine loves it, as it also makes life easier for them!

13. An ā€˜emergencyā€™ sheet is essiential in attacks - I have 2 double sided sheets. It shows my personal details, diagnosis, meds, allergies, past medical history, steroid/antibiotic history, hospital/a&e trip history, my consultant info and when I last saw each, and what brought me in that day (when it started, what Iā€™ve done treatment wise, who Iā€™ve seen/spoken too, PF/ventolin measures and times, symptoms). This way if I canā€™t talk they have everything they need and I donā€™t have to repeat things or remember all the drugs that Iā€™m on!

14. Home nebulisers are frowned upon but a godsend - yes I have one, no my consultant doesnā€™t like it! I know thereā€™s the potential for abuse to avoid hospital so come up with ā€˜rulesā€™ - mine are 1 neb see my GP, 2 nebs go to hospital. Also donā€™t let the hospital abuse it! Iā€™m often sent home early because I have one at home, or Iā€™m told to self-medicate on it my with no time restrictions - I once lasted 6 weeks of 2hrly nebs and 40mg pred before I gave up and went back to the hospital (they had told me they couldnā€™t do anything for me šŸ™„).

15. Taking to people who understand helps - I went 2-3 years of multiple severe attacks before I found this site. I felt so alone and no matter what I said my friends and family didnā€™t understand. Even the medics and asthma nurses only had a vague idea. Now thereā€™s people on here that I can talk to in similar situations to me, some are better off, some are worse - but they all understand and can support me at my worse or give me advice/prompting when Iā€™m trying to avoid hospital!

16. Just because youā€™re severe doesnā€™t mean you always have life threatening attacks, or if youā€™re mild doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t! - an attack is an attack, anyone can die from asthma if you donā€™t get the right treatment

17. An exacerbation is the same as an attack, however usually indicates poor control and a worsening of your asthma. My first few attacks I didnā€™t identify as such - I used my ventolin more and more but that was just because my asthma was slightly worse... I didnā€™t need hospital did I?! If itā€™s caused by a cold than Iā€™m just time wasting getting emergency treatment- itā€™s a cold. I always reasoned it off, and didnā€™t recognise my lack of control. At the time I didnā€™t have an asthma plan and had never done a peak flow either!

18. There are a lot of ā€˜undiagnosedā€™ asthmatics - I got pumps at 13, but didnā€™t get diagnosed officially until I was 22/23 and need referral for biological treatment- this delayed referral for 3 more months!

19. Asthma can be more scary for others than for yourself - Iā€™m a calm soul, if I donā€™t think Iā€™m literally about to die I donā€™t worry about it (and usually by that point I hit the ā€˜unnaturalā€™ calm. If Iā€™m in resus, why should I panic?, if things go bad they have meds there to help me. I lift to the ED is faster than getting the ambulance, so my PF is less than 50% I donā€™t feel too bad so why make a big fuss. Anyone with me tho freaks out. Family, friends, coworkers, bosses, doctors! Always being told off for making my own way in!

20. The most annoying phase is ā€˜calm down and take deep breathsā€™ - as previously stated I usually am calm, but telling anyone to calm down is only gonna stress them out more! And I canā€™t take deep breaths, Iā€™M HAVING AN ASTHMA ATTACK AND MY LUNGS ARENā€™T WORKING PROPERLY!

21. Good sats does not mean no asthma attack - Just because your sats havenā€™t changed doesnā€™t mean youā€™re only having a mild attack. Even doctors get confused about this šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

22. Pred head is a thing - steroids and the love hate relationship asthmatics have with them! Not only do you have to worry about long term effects, but also the short term effect on your mood! I get moody, teary or angry for no reason. I have cried over hot chocolate, and yelled over being asked if Iā€™m ok. Explaining this to family and friends tho helps them understand that usually you donā€™t mean what your mood is suggesting - come back in 5 mins and Iā€™ll be back to normal!

23. Itā€™s ok to cry - donā€™t bottle it up, donā€™t be ashamed. Youā€™re in a difficult situation, pumped full of drugs that effect your mood, in hospital not sleeping properly, and possibly nearly died, maybe youā€™ve just realised your now classed as disabled, maybe you havenā€™t slept through the night for a couple of months. Physically and mentally a lot has happened in a short amount of time and you have to adapt to it. So cry and let it out!

24. Not everything is caused by asthma, but everything is blamed on it! - tachycardia - itā€™s the asthma drugs, high blood pressure - itā€™s your asthma, palpation/shakes - too much salbutamol, reflux - itā€™s from the steroids, migraines - probably from the drugs/stress, easy bruising - itā€™s the pred... on and on and on. Very little gets followed up as a different issue, so youā€™re just treated for the symptoms not knowing the true cause - your asthma or something else? Iā€™ve been at sinus tacky for years (minus the occasional drop) itā€™s always blamed on my drugs and never followed up. I can be dizzy and have palpations even when my asthmas good and Iā€™m in minimal drugs... do I just ignore it? Sometime you need to fight for more investigation

25. Your PF doesnā€™t have to drop to be having an attack - you can be having issues even if your PF doesnā€™t suggest so. This is one of the most difficult types of attack as doctors just wont believe you unless they know you. Best thing to do if this is your ā€˜normalā€™ to is get a letter explaining from your consultant and hand it over if you ever need something more!

26. Spacers are important - not only do they make you more efficient at picking up the drug, but they can also reduce some off the side effects. Always getting oral thrush - try using a spacer! Get very shaky from your blue pump? - spacer! Preventer make you gag? - spacer!

27. 9x/10 orginginal medsā€™ work better than the generics - theyā€™re more expensive so docs like to try you on generics but I get a highly different response from ventolin than I do from any alternative!

28. CFC does make a difference even if they say it doesnā€™t - itā€™s less environmentally friendly but it can double how much my improvement lasts!

29. Exercise is important (as and when you can) - itā€™s always difficult as a severe uncontrolled asthmatic to work out when to exercise and how much to do... I find I push the limit too far if Iā€™m well but do nothing if Iā€™m ill - Iā€™m still trying big to work out a balance. Alternatively take up singing (in the shower if your ā€˜badā€™) or a musical instrument - at least then youā€™re helping your lungs stay fit, even if your body gets fat!

30. Find the right drugs for you - keep going back until you feel your best, if you struggle with MDIs (aerosols) then ask to try DPIs (powders) - it took me a year of telling them MDIs made me cough and feel sick before they gave me dry powder inhalers - I didnā€™t even know they were an option at the time! Tell them if the side effects are too bad for you to deal with, even if itā€™s helping you breathe - there are usually alternative brands that you can try which may not give you any issues!

A nice round 30 points (until I think of something else šŸ˜…)

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Well said EmmaF91! šŸ™‚šŸ™‚šŸ™‚

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