I just started having sore throat when I wake up in the morning for a week now. It goes away after I’m up but I’m still mucusy throughout the day. This is a new symptom for me and wondering if it’s another symptom of dust allergies that I got when diagnosed for asthma or if it could be my reflux getting worse. Surprisingly the hot pain in my chest went away from reflux but maybe this is a new sign?
Is sore throat another symptom of aller... - Living with Asthma
Is sore throat another symptom of allergies or reflux?

Do you sleep with your bed Head raised, not with pillows as this can strain your neck , but under the matress. Just a thought
I would think allergies, but then I went to the allergist for the account of crud in my throat and he put me on reflux meds and have me a referral to a cardiologist. I've been waking up with a sore throat in the night. A sleep study revealed obstructive Sleep Apnea. But still, allergies can make that worse. My opinion? A quick doctor appointment and a humidifier by your bed.

Thanks! I live in Hawaii where it’s still really humid. I know for sure I have reflux but did your reflux cause ear ache and nose congestion too? I feel like it’s allergies but I could be wrong. I went to two sleep specialist and they said they don’t think I have severe reflux and I also took a sleep study which came out normal but the battery for one part of it wasn’t working well so who knows. I guess I should ring my doctor but they’re only doing telemedicine now and the last time he just gave me antibiotics in case I had an ear infection since he couldn’t see over the computer.
If there is any way the reflux gets into your head it can cause ear and nose issues. But I think you'd know if that was happening. I still think a call to the doctor would be best, but another round of antibiotics could be irresponsible on his part. It does sound like allergies/irritants, but I'm in the same boat and I don't know where the allergens are coming from since the test this year want positive for anything growing right now. Can we blame it on 2020 being a hell of year? One last thought: of it is congestion on the sinuses, maybe you have an irregularity that could be fixed. I had sinus surgery 8 yes ago and it was amazing! Good luck and hang in there!

Thank you so much! It got bad last night and I took my rescue. I did notice it got better with the AC on and I took Flonase. After I finally got a good nights rest everything went away this morning. No sore throat or congestion. So I’m thinking this might have been allergies exacerbated by the weather change and lack of sleep? We’ll see. I’m super allergic to dust so my allergist had told me to make sure to always have the air on. I guess it’s true even in winter especially since it’s been hot here lately. Come to think of it that’s when my symptoms began.
Glad you're feeling better! The ac can be a life saver! I have room air filters in bedrooms and the family room. We also have hepa filters on the furnace with a green that runs on low all the time. Really makes a difference with the dust in the house!

I have filters in almost every room except the living room. Do you have a favorite brand? I kind of wonder if it’s because I’ve been at my moms a lot. Her house was discovered to be full of mold at the same time I was first having trouble breathing. She got rid of some of it but I think there’s more there. Everyone who lives there including her dog has lung or breathing issues. It was the year that I was at her house the most when I first had asthma. Of course I can’t be sure but the weather also is a lot cooler today and I feel a lot better. Thank you!
I don't have a favorite brand, but we've had RabbitAir the longest on the family room. It hates (or maybe loves) when we cook because it goes to high fan! The latest, affordable ones we bought are by Conway. The filters are easy to get to, vacuum, or replace and the fans have been quiet so far (oldest is about 1yr). I believe Amazon is where we got them.As for mold, I'm so sorry! That can be horrific! I went through a spell of using essential oils and one of the things that I wanted to try out was diffusing melaleuca to rid mold. It's so dry here that its rarely a problem, but if we have any it's in the subspace and I'm not going down there!
I think you have it figured out! I hope it continues on the right direction!

Thank you! My allergies are back today but no headache so hope sleep will keep it under control. I’ll check out those filters too.
Sore and/or hoarse throat can definitely be a symptom of reflux. As it's more noticeable in the morning (so after lying down and often that's when reflux can show itself)) I would go with it being more likely to be reflux.
I dont know about beung sure its reflux. I have dust and pollen allergies, and since ive lived in a building with smoking have had ear pain or otitis media if its very cold out. Benedryl actually corrects it but if you're living in a shared apt community, air quality is hard to control without gas and not just hepa air cleaners. They're 1500+ up plus 100 filters yearly. Casing a new bed, getting rid of any pets, heavy drapes or carpet will improve your overall respiratory health. If you have gerd like me, you should treat it. I use prilosec and add a 10 mg famotidine (basically pepcid). I've had ragweed allergies since early Feb, they are now year round now in my area. I've even needed eye drops a few days this month when we typically are in a winter freeze. If your area has changed with climate change, I'd think environment. But sinuses and our guts are connected so it can work the other way if your not treating any chronic stomach issues. Mine are gallstones and gerd from a med reaction. When covid is over I'm referring to the surgeon for further help on that but also need immunotherapy for pollens. I might start that first to see if it makes a difference. Take out foods like herbal teas that increase histamine in your body. Eat greek yogurt, less fatty foods, eat garlic and onions. I take a probiotic vitamin. Try exercising a little to see if your symptoms resolve with movement. Weve been very stationary with covid and if walking or exercise helps, you know how to help your gut. Or it might resolve it sometimes...if so recall what you ate last. Journal for 5 days to see any patterns. Good luck.