Living with Asthma | HealthUnlocked

Living with Asthma

3,614 members745 posts

Masks during moderate air quality?

Hi. I’m traveling where the air quality tends to be moderate. The last time I ha...
Beefull8 profile image

Biologic treatment for severe uncontrolled asthma

Hello everyone,Nothing seems to help my asthma the last two years. I developed ...
hankisbest profile image

Asthma and Bronchiectasis

I was diagnosed with Severe Asthma in 2017 at age 54. This March I got diagnosed...
Beasley63 profile image

Diaphragm not working

getting out of breath due to diaphragm not working properly
25079 profile image

I'm new

Hello, I'm new here, and feel a bit of a fraud as I havent actually been diagnos...
Esad profile image

Bronchial Asthma

Hi I was wondering if anyone else deals with Bronchial Asthma and how do you dea...
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About us

Living with Asthma is a community for people with asthma who want to learn more about their condition from the...

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