Had a really bad night with no sleep.Contant waves of panic swamping me and raised heart beat and bp.Worried that I need more meds but my GP said it was fine.Other family members have left the house and I'm alone and I feel vulnerable.How do I deal with this?
A bad night: Had a really bad night with... - Living with Anxiety
A bad night

Morning, sending good wishes and thinking of you. Do you think calling the BHF helpline might help? It might be good to hear a friendly voice and talk to someone reassuring. I know it's not long since you saw the GP, but could you try and get a same-day appointment today, if you're feeling worse than usual, so that they know how bad things can get?
Hugs X
Sorry you had a bad night
Try and rest up today , maybe have the radio on in the background , listening to your local radio can be distracting
Not great myself this morning but hope your day gets better as it goes along
Take Care x

Thanks Lulu-1
Hi, I'm new to this anxiety problem, and don't like it at all. It stems from me having my carpel tunnel op some time ago, I haven't been the same since,so really regretting it. It may not be the cause but can only think it is in my case. Has anyone else had similar effect?