i’ve had so many bad experiences with friends that i don’t know how to make or keep them anymore. it seems that the only real friends that i can make are online because i don’t have to be anxious about whether or not they wanna spend time with me. i want to make new friends again & go out & be social but i’m so terrified that i never initiate new friendships or text anyone or ask if anyone wants to hang out. i just feel like no one would wanna be around me even if they tell me they do wanna spend time with me. i have this fear that something’s wrong with me & that when my friends find that out, they’ll leave me so it’s better to just not let anyone in at all than be abandoned. idk what to do about this cause i really miss having friends & going out.
idk how to make friends again - Living with Anxiety
idk how to make friends again
Making friends is hard. However; there isn’t anything wrong with you at all. So please don’t believe that. The only thing you really can do is to put yourself out there. You’ll never know how things will end up if you don’t try
I’m same I only have a couple of friends that I work with but don’t hang out with outside of work and recently single after being in a long term relationship. So spend a lot of time on my own and don’t know where to start to meet new people, there is an app called Meet Me which has events and groups in local areas to meet new people but haven’t been to any yet.
Hi you have social anxiety. Believe your friends when they tell you they want to hang out with you as why would they lie? if they didn't want you they wouldn't be friends would they?
What do you think is so wrong with you that people wouldn't like you if they knew about it? You are not a serial killer on the sly are you? Or a mass murderer? x