You deserve to let go and start over...let yourself be yourself, be free! Forgive. It’s okay to be with the pain and then to let it go. Say goodbye loud enough so that the ends of the earth will hear you. This is it. It’s all you. It will work. You may find more of yourself. Try, try, try again. Its okay. It’s not too late. Decide and stick to it. You are so strong and so bright and deserving of all that it is amazing. You are amazing. Let yourself take a break if you need to, go out into nature or swim or write out your words that need to go out into the air and then burn the past away believing in a good future. You deserve this peace, peace of what it is now, right now decide as you close your eyes and say a thank you for the opportunity. Amen
You are beautifully free - Living with Anxiety
You are beautifully free

Absolutely Beautiful, and Powerful!!!
Thanks. It’s kind of a push for me, as I’m hoping to make some changes in my life and I needed motivation.
Well, this is a good place to start!
😊 how are you?
Pretty good. I do wish it would stop raining, though. We live off the grid and use solar for our electrical needs, including the pump for the well. It causes problems, but is so much better than living in Silicon Valley. We really love it here.
How are you doing? I miss you at the Creative group.
That is such an awesome way to live! It’s like a dream.
Hmm I could be better but I’m hanging in there.
Yes, it is an awesome way to live! We are in a lightly forested area, can't see anybody! They are all 1/2 mile or more away on either side. And, we are 2 miles away from the nearest paved road! One of the most awesome things is when the Blue Angels fly to San Francisco for Fleet Week, they fly right down our little valley, at our altitude! I get SO excited! I wave frantically, hoping they can see me, but they are really flying so low, so I guess they must concentrate on where they are going. My uncle flew for the Thunderbirds for a number of years, so I find performing jets very exciting.
If you wish, we could pm our messages so they aren't so public. Any time!