Feel trapped and scared, 2 week chest ... - Living with Anxiety

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Feel trapped and scared, 2 week chest pain in heart, pain in throat

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8 Replies

So from the beginning, im 19 and have been worrying and stressing about a few things for a couple months before now. Around 15 days ago i got a sudden feeling in my throat that i can only describe as the feeling you get in your throat when you cry, but i still have it to this day. When i got it, i started worrying it could be cancer or a tumour and it spiraled to me not wanting to sleep 1 night.

A few days later i woke up and mid day my heart started beating unbelievably hard and i could feel every beat in my entire body, i got pain in my heart and felt extremely nauseated / faint. Im guessing this was a panic attack now but i was convinced i was having a heart problem and had paramedics come over only for them to say i was fine.

I was expecting it to go away in a day or a few hours like most panic attacks but it has persisted for 2 weeks now, although not as bad as the initial attack, its not showing any signs of improving and after seeing 2 GP's, a blood test & an x-ray they cant see anything wrong and say its anxiety. One GP prescribed me Prozac which im heavily against and another just gave me antibiotics. My mind is just spiraling thinking they are missing something underlying here and i feel trapped and i dont know what to do.

Ive tried every breathing technique, spent a lot of time smilling and saying "I know im fine" while talking to friends and doing hobbies but nothing is changing and i keep falling back into this helpless pit of fear of the worst because how long this is going on.

Any input would be immensely appreciated, thanks in advance.

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8 Replies

Hello & Welcome SirJammmy :-)

Well good news is at 19 you are young so the chances of there been anything wrong with your heart are so slim and the chances of over coming this anxiety that has sneaked up on you are so high that you will work through this :-)

Sounds like you are starting with Health anxiety which can get anyone of us when something happens regarding our health and scares us

You do have to ask yourself though , blood tests , x rays etc , doctors who have trained for years in medical school , can they actually be that wrong in saying you are fine , no doubtful or they would loose their job which they would not want but what is making you doubt is your anxiety because that way it can keep control over how you feel and make you fear more which creates more anxiety

Did you take the antibiotics ? because the throat could have been an infection and when we sometimes have an infection it can make your heart beat faster

If you are against medication and do not wish to try it which I understand if you fee that way is there a chance that maybe you could look at having some therapy or Counselling ?

I am in the UK , not sure if you are but I hope as people logon and look at posts wherever they come from they will come and say hello and let you know you are not alone as that can help just knowing others understand where we are coming from :-)

Take Care x

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SirJammmy in reply to

Hey Lulu, thanks so much for the reply. Ive gone through nearly everything you said thinking wise but i always fall back into the "terrible things like this happen, they probably missed it etc" and i don't know what part of my brain to believe at this point. I feel like if theres a chance it's serious i will focus on that even though i hate the fact i do.

As for the antibiotics, i regurgitate pills all the time due to something thats still not diagnosed with my swallowing, has been happening for 10 years with random food aswell but I need to try get the liquid form of it which is a struggle at the moment. Im not convinced its an infection because i have 0 other symptoms, no fever whatsoever and the feeling comes and goes throughout the day. Also have no signs of anything in my throat like swollen glands etc

I did actually sign up for counciling not long after this whole thing happened because i just scared and dont know what else to do. Im going tomorrow.

Again thank you so much.

in reply to SirJammmy

Good luck with the Counselling , give it time as it is not a quick fix but will help if you put the work in :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

in reply to SirJammmy

Hi there and welcome. Mr Anxiety is doing a great job on you!! You've been tested for all sorts and everything has come back fine. Try and focus on that.

As for the antibiotics ~ can you not get them in liquid form so you can manage to take it more easily ~ worth a try. Hope the counselling goes well ~ you can tell all your fears. Good Luck and may be come back on and let us know how it went for you. 🙂

You mind can be a wonderful thing as well as playing tricks and putting things out of perspective. Your Doctor could be right it could be 'anxiety'.

When you has these other tests did you also have you had an ECG? Would this put your mind at rest somewhat?

Is there an external factor making your heartbeat stronger eg caffeine? (the amount in 'cafe' brought coffee is very high). Don't forget there's lots of caffeine in 'energy drinks' which are very popular with your age group.

Your Doctor should be able to help with alternative treatments eg CBT, mindfulness. Neither are a quick fix. Both need practice, patience.

Do you have a good family/friends support network?

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SirJammmy in reply to

Hey Kez thanks for the reply, I did actually have a few ECG's and they said it was fine again. I know any normal person would probably think "Ok the doctors said im fine, move on" but no matter what i do im terrified for my life.

As for energy drinks or caffeine, ive always steered clear of things that affect your heart because it freaks me out, plus im aware its pretty bad for you. All i have is tea most days.

I am lucky that i do have amazing friends and family though who are doing whatever they can to help me and i appreciate them so much.

PS ,~ love the picture of the kingfisher 😍

I love the kingfisher too.

Sounds like you've had the full battery of tests. I'm glad too hear your steering clear of the energy drinks. I was offered a free one from a promotional stall. They weren't too thrilled when I asked what was in it!

Tea contains caffeine too just in case you were unaware you can buy a decaff variety. Do you eat nuts? You could be sensitive.

It's not as simple as just 'move on'. I'm not sure if you're in the UK where healthcare is free and suggest you go back to your Doctor and have an honest discussion. You can take someone with you and write down the things you want to get across.

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