Hi, i am from Chennai, my mom cause acute ITP...we take steroid treatment 16 sitting and we take defcort table 6mg daily past three months my mom platelet count is in 150k..yesterday we go for an check up platelet count is 17000 only. Doctor suggested to take elthrobag 25mg tablet or surgery to remove spleen...which one is best..am in confusion....natural treatment for ITP?
ITP : Hi, i am from Chennai, my mom... - ITP Support Assoc...

there are many different treatments you should try before having your spleen out. i had a splenectomy done and it did not work. i wish I had not had the operation because i am now more at risk of catching infections.
Only if your mom has pretty much tried the many of medicines on the recommended I would wait on the spleen cause it a chance it may not work,my daughter just had one and it looked it was going to work and then her platlets drop again last week.i know u want to see it behind U but do Ur homework first.promacta does work but it's still up and down on it.wish u much luck'
Thank you, doctor. Suggested to take revolade tablets. How long we take this tablets. My mother age is 51.she scare about the side affects and also revolade tablet is too Expensive.. If any other treatment for ITP?.
Hi I am also suffering from ITP for past 2 yrs age 53 old I have been up and down and have had these new drugs first was Ann injection Romiplastin which I took initially it work well then declined platelets counts . Went to highest full dose and lot of side effects swelling water retention etc and bad tummy higo sugar levels eye problems . Had very low platelets count hospital then tried Eltrompag again initial it worked then the body gods creation works out this and finds a 2 system round to platelets have dropped again to low levels since Dec 2014 stopped the Eltrompag for 3 weeks and now on full 75 mg daily still no working so it's a very hard one but I suppose ypu have to try it it may work for your Mother . I have to plan for spleen removal as the next course of action
My hope and prayers for your mother and so happy to hear that you are looking after her .please continue and god will bless you JSK
Thank you so much. Am also pray for you..take care your self..but operation is too critical.. So many side affects will cause.
Any one know if have ayurvedic treatment for ITP disease?
Hi, I am 44 years old, had ITP since I was 2. I had my spleen out when I was 3. I have to take penicillin VK everyday to boost my immune system but it did not stop the ITP coming back. They do a bone marrow test to see if it is in the bone marrow, which mine is and ultimately I have to live with it. The steroids are what they use first to see what response your body has to them. If they bring up the platelets, then they will carry on until they can find something that will work to replace them. Steroids are not good for the body and can reduce calcium in the bones, so make sure your Mother has plenty of calcium. That's where all the other treatments will be tried, before surgery. Natural Licorice, I was told is a natural steroid by a neutrition. You could try that and make sure she doesn't have any Ibuprofen, these reduce platelets. Tell her to try and not worry too much, the stress can also make it worse. Surgery is never nice but might be the only solution once they have tried everything else. Good luck Here is a link for Licorice Root, it's an interesting read.
Kind regards
I am also from chennai. I also started with steroids for about 4 weeks and my count went upto 4 lakhs from 2000. After I discontinued the steroids the platelet count went back to low levels. I was put in eltrombopag but this also had the same effect. After several trial and errors I am now on dapsone and homeopathic , Ayurvedic medicines which has helped to sustain my count at 150k. You also have to find the right set of medicines. Hope this helps.