I'm slow to respond to questions and ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
I'm slow to respond to questions and have trouble articulating words. Anyone have similar problems?
Hello Jean, this is a real problem with myself and some days worse than others, anything in flare, or hormones. I say whole sentences backwards, or substitute totally the wrong word or can't remember the question. It ebbs and flows with me... so some days I can be quite articulate, but others so slow that what normally can take me say seconds to type turns into say twenty minutes. So yes with you on that one. Mary F x
Hi yes I think this is a problem many of us have
When my inr is low or I am tired it's often worse too.
For example:
I was seeing someone in the medical proffesion yesterday & he wanted to ask some questions on a questionaire where you have to circle around a number which implies to you to wether its high or low....well could I get it in my head which way round it was meant to be?!!!!
As for the speach...well....my m's & n's have always got muddled up & I say words wrong all the time & have to resay sentences often to people!....x
Hi Jean, I agree this is a problem for many of us. I can't think of the word I want to say but I can sometimes describe it. I forget what I'm trying to say as I am saying it and I often mix up words and say them wrong or out of order. I feel like a scatter brain. I am also slow to respond because I am trying to process and am so focused on articulating myself correctly.
Hello Jean, Yes, me too, and also the thing where it ebbs and flows. Not only changes by the day, but by the hour, and it depends on tiredness and fatigue, or if I'm trying to multi task. I can't have a conversation and make coffee at the same time for example - anything I say will be a load of old twaddle - and the coffee will be rubbish too!! Larraine x
I'm not working now but when was I'm sure my coworkers noticed my gaps in speech.
Yes me as well! its so frustrating (not to mention embarrassing when it happens at work).
Yes me too especially when I'm tired. The conversation has moved on by the time I have dragged up the answer from the depths of my brain. Sometimes I think of the word I wanted the next day after a good nights sleep when it is no use at all - so frustrating and embarrassing!
Is it white matter disease?
Well, apparently I keep my Hoover in the fridge (cupboard) my cleaning materials under the fridge (sink) my mop in the cupboard with the fridge ( no idea why fridge is so popular) I pass the following round at parties this summer sausages (nope they were strawberries) giraffes (can you guess what these were???? .... Ha ha grapes) pineapple (beet root) the frustrating thing is I knew in my head I was saying the wrong thing but do you think I could get the right word out? Noooo course not, then to finish off when I went for hospital appointment, I couldn't remember where I lived ...... Anyhow seems it maybe I may also have lupus or vasculitus in my head, or some such or just lack of oxygen as lungs not doing too well with pulmonary vascular probs....... Seems with these things like many of us there can be more than one reason for our brain fog, or word burps
Keep well everyone
Yep all the time is feels like the world going past some times and you miss it all
Yes i have seen an increase in this problem since last Christmas for me. I can be quite articulate some days then get totally annoyed at myself when words just disappear from my vocabulary. It is SO frustrating! You have my every symapthy with this issue.
I get this problem as well.
I often can't remember where I keep things in the kitchen etc.
I also find it nearly impossible to do mental arithmetic.
I never could do mental arithmetic.
I could never do math either. But I do get the entire gambit of word confusion. It is getting worse as the years pass and particularly with flares. I lose track of the point of the conversation, the plot in the movie and have to completely re-read paragraphs and even after re-reading, l lose the previous paragraph before the new one is started. Any and all attempts at making sense during a headache is hopeless. Most the time I don't even notice a difference if my family changes the channel on the TV because I never took that great notice in the first place.
Word problems seems to be very common among us. Perhaps the most common (other than miscarriage) I have noticed yet.
Good luck, Jean. At least we know what you mean. And there seem to be a lot of us!
Same problem here
This sounds very much like a stroke or stroke symptoms to me. Did you follow it up with your GP?