Hey everyone
I am a 42 year old male in NYC with no history of strokes, Lupus or any autoimmune issue. No weird symptoms.
A couple of weeks ago I did an extensive series of exams because I have slight malar edema (also known as festoons). I have had the edema for a few years and it was bothering me.
The doctor who ordered the blood work thought we should dig deeper and see what might be causing the edema.
Everything was looked squeaky clean - except for anticardiolipin antibodies IGM and glycoprotein antibodies IGM. The cardiolipin result was 98.3 MPL-U/mL and the glycoprotein was 64 U/mL. I don't know if these are "through the roof" or what.
I tested negative for the IGG, IGA and all Lupus-related exams.
I am obviously very nervous and trying not to let my negative thoughts overtake me as I reach out to a couple rheumatologists and try to shed light on what this might mean.
I was very sick 1 month prior to the blood work with a fever of 39 Celsius and a lingering cough/sinusitis. In retrospect I wonder if it could have been Covid or just a nasty bug.
Could this have activated these antibodies? Trying to hold onto some hope.