What I do that keeps me going. - Hughes Syndrome A...

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What I do that keeps me going.

Suzypawz profile image
11 Replies

One of the things I took on when I got Hughes as I can't work now , as 'I'm un-reliable'! is I have 'a small animal shelter' in my back garden!!

It is quite a big garden so around my 'animal shed' I had a run built with hutches & a large cage for the ferrets in it too.

I have at the moment: 4 ferrets, 8 bunnies, 12 degus, 1 rat, 3 guinea-pigs & 2 ducks!!

I have always loved animals & seeing as my kids are now grown up they help me mentally on a bad day to know there's something out there that needs me to carry on.

One of the baby bunnies isn't too well though :( we named her Treacle,

She has been dragging her back legs around, flopping over & struggling to keep up with the others she is half the size of the other 3, she eats well & isn't in pain & loves a cuddle

Took her to the vets today with her 2 brothers & sister (we found out....& I was correct!) & the vet had confirmed my fear of what she may have...it is either a neuro' problem or her spine is not developing.....she has no muscles developing in her legs so often drags them....I said to the vet:.....'well they havn't put me down for that yet,so I shant have her put down either !!'.....so I shall look after her as long as it is possible to as shes not in pain.

So there you go....I thought I would share that with you! this is what I do apart from art & photography, I keep the house going & gardening on a good day too!!

I tell you I have less time now than when I was working!! :)

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Suzypawz profile image
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11 Replies
jessielou profile image

Hi suzy

I ican imagine. All those furries. I`m sorry to hear treacle not well. But sure you`lle love her through it all.:-)

I have 3 children, 3 dogs and 3 guinnea pigs (mmm I like my 3`s don`t I?) Daren`t suggest a cat!!!! I think you would hear the language from your house. They all keep me busy!!!

I trying to do assignment for O U course, obviously not succeeding cos i`m on here, it`s much more fun than Maths!!!

Take care hon, gentle hugs love Jessielou xxxxx :-) :-)

Suzypawz profile image
Suzypawz in reply to jessielou

You'll have to come & visit my critters!!

oh yeah & our cat Salem!! I'm hoping Treacle pulls through it ok, shes asleep on a blanket with a ferret toy next to her at the mo' :) xx

judes profile image

Suzy, I have always always wanted a ferret and some ducks, don't ask why just one of my little quirks!

I do have 3 cats who keep me well trained, though I do find myself having long conversatioins with them which is a bit of a worry. Easier than trying to talk to my teenage son.....

Hugs to Treacle

Suzypawz profile image
Suzypawz in reply to judes

Hi Judes, ferrets are so much fun :) they are like having puppies that dont grow up & always want to play! but smell more!! as for the ducks...they have such characters! mine are called Howard & Honey!

I know what you mean...they do as they're told more & go in when asked!!! x

jessielou profile image

Hi judes

don't worry i always talking to my dogs and guinnea pigs; they dont care if Im talking gibberish and i frequently do!!!!

Hope you are well today!!

take care. Gentle hugs Jessielou xxx :-) :-) :-) xxx

paddyandlin profile image

wow you all beat me hands down with animals all i have is a Dog and a Cat and 3 kids but they justas bad as having chimos lol kidding it is strange how you review what is important when you find out you have this illness



Suzypawz profile image
Suzypawz in reply to paddyandlin

Yep I do love my furry critters! they always come to me when called wether its the rat or a ferret! Howard runs after me complaining!! but they always cheer me up, they are good medicine & dont judge you ike a human would. :)

paddyandlin profile image
paddyandlin in reply to Suzypawz

Very true i find my kids were like that when they were babies lol

Storky profile image

I do hope Treacle does well. I have always had labradors. Years ago we went to choose a new puppy from a few litters. I had the choice of 40 puppies and picked one which unbeknown to me had a shunt through his liver.

At first we thought he had been stung by a bee then things drastically took a turn for the worse and I remember driving down the hard shoulder of the M25 in a traffic jam, hazzards going with two crying kids and a semi conscience puppy in a desperate race to get to the vets before he died. I remember the vet just scooping him out of the car as I drove up and running with him and being left just standing there wondering if I would ever see him again.

Happily that night the vet called to say he was fine but that we were being referred - that was when we got the shocking news. The shunt meant he could not have any protein, if he did it was like a poison which caused toxins in his brain. There was nothing they could do for him as the shunt was too big but he was not in pain or suffering. I had to feed him Rice, cottage cheese and a tiny bit of bovril. He did really well for a year when suddenly just before his first birthday I noticed the old symptoms returning. The vet told me to bring him in so he could be "flushed through" on a drip - something "Biggles" was used to having done.

I took him in and put him on his bed in the corner of the surgery (they knew him that well) and remember looking back at him as I said goodbye. He looked at me as if to say please dont leave me alone this time so I went back to reassure him, which was unlike him. Two hours later when I was expecting a call to say pick him up I got a shock when the vet just said he didnt have time to explain but Biggles had taken a turn for the worse and he needed to operate immediately. Ten minutes later he called back to say that his Liver had completely disintegrated and he did not want him to wake up. I had that brave little dog for a year and I think he was meant to come into my life for a reason.

This week I have been struggling with my almost 12 year old chocy lab who suddenly became unwell last week. He went from vomiting, then not eating and then suddenly couldn't move. A quick trip to the vet and £200 worth of tests ...gulp!!!! We still dont know whats going on but he is now eating fish and rice and his medicine chest is almost as big as mine! He is moving a little better but something is going on - watch this space.

Sorry to bang on but I echo all thats said about animals, I could not be without them in my life, they are the silent, constant, solid rock that gives unconditional love and so worth it.

jessielou profile image
jessielou in reply to Storky

Hi hon

So sorry to hear about poor Biggles, what a brave little fella.

I think fate sends special animals to special people,

I have a big strong Choc labrador, who we rescued at 17 weeks old, people we had him from swore he had been vaccinated, (I don`t know maybe he had), but he caught parvo-virus at 6 months,

I have never seen so much blood, so scary, I drove him to vets, couldn`t see for tears, Thanks to a great vet, who intially was going to send him home, soon changed his mind tho, He was in for a week, huge vets bill. Ouch !!! Our big lumox of a Choc lab is still with us. He 4 now and a big softy. :-)

After losing black lab at grand old age of 14, we then decided to go to rescue centre, not straight away cos it hurts,

My son found Ness our border collie, she was home for 1 night and got rushed back, she had puppy strangles, apparantly very rare, vet had only seen 2 cases in 30 years and the other was in a horse. Rescue centre said pick another one, they would understand, NO!!! we said, brought her home after a week and nursed her, she has a small scar from an abcess that burst but apart from that she a healthy 1 year old and a total madam.

Lots of TLC chicken, boiled rice and natural yoghurt when they get dodgy tummies. spoiled and loved to bits.

Added to the craziness with a Springer puppy who at 18 weeks old is thriving, had all his jabs. He is totally nuts so fits in well.

I really feel for you over the trouble with choc labs health and will be thinking of you all, everything crossed!! :-) Hope she ok!!!

Take care, gentle hugs, love Jessielou xxxx :-) :-) :-)

Suzypawz profile image

aaahhhh that was such a sad story but lovely at the same time 'Hughespatient':(

They are the best friends to have, never question you, want you for you...........

Thankyou for sharing your story :)

Thank you Sheena for your kind words, we would do anything for our fury critter friends! :) x

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