I have aps,and a.f. and I could do with some advice on several health issues because of this?
how do I get to see a rhuematolaglogi... - Hughes Syndrome A...
how do I get to see a rhuematolaglogist, or immunologist,
Hi Tophole
I am surprised you have not been referred already to a rheumatologist given your diagnoses. You will need to go to your doctor and say that because of the seriousness of your health problems you need advice and say you want a referral to a rheumatologist.Are you in the UK? If you are and you can afford to go privately, I went to see Professor Hughes at The London Lupus Centre at London Bridge Hospital where I got my diagnosis. My doctor did refer me and I think they like it if you can get a letter but it does't matter if you can't. They will still see you. If this is an option you want to look into, I should phone the London Lupus Centre and speak to the secretaries there.They are lovely and will be able to help you.
Hello there, whereabouts are you located, as then others can point you in the direction of the nearest person to you. St Thomas' Louise Coote Unite is the place to go...or privately to Professor Hughes at London Bridge. Your GP should be referring you somewhere, if you feel you need support. it can be helpful to take the correct print outs from The Hughes Syndrome Foundation website along, also your own detailed account of events to date. All the best Mary F.
I think it depends what youre particular APS targets, mine seems to be more neurological, so im under a neurologist, who then referred me to a heamotologist to help with the decision to warfarinise me, so im under both consultants, I am under an opthalmic consultant because of the damage to my eyes also, my heamotoligist told me that its a waiting game with APS, and we need to see how mine develops, at that point I think he will then refer me to another specialist depending on what it attacks next, the prblem with auto immune disorders is that they attack different parts of you, and only when it does are you then referred dependant on what part of you is having the target, I think rheumotology is a good place to start, and i know a lot of people feel the same frustration as me that we dont have one particular person looking after everything, but the problem is that each consultant specialises in one particular area of the body and doesnt go outside that field and because APS tartgets different parts you can end up under a lot of people!! I think they'd have had to do a hell of a lot of training to be considered a specialist in everything rather than just one area! x
As you have both APS and AF, I think your best bet would be to find a haematolgist. You can ask your GP to refer you to Prof Beverley Hunt at St Thomas' in London if you are based in the UK.
I read these posts every day and am so thankful to know there are other APSers out there.
I live in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Does anyone know if there are any doctors anywhere close to me that know much about or specialize in APS? (I haven't located any). I was diagnosed by my neurologist and then referred to Dr Grotta in Houston, TX who is a stroke specialist.
I would just like to thank everyone who has written a reply. I,m pleased to say that although I now have further health problems , the g.p.s are sorting things out, and I am getting help with them. But thankyou again.