Diagnosed with APS in 2017. Went to see a cardiologist for the first time yesterday and he would like me to go on a baby aspirin along with the warfarin I take ( 5 mgs per day) and said to ask my Hemotologist if that was okay..Just wondering how many others are taking a baby aspirin in conjunction with warfarin. Thanks !
baby aspirin: Diagnosed with APS in... - Hughes Syndrome A...
baby aspirin

Hi, I am not on warfarin but my anticoagerant heparin instead, I also take aspirin & clopidogrel (anti-platlets) as well. Been on this routine for over 20 years and has worked well for me.
Hi dogtail
I have APS and my haematologist recommended that I also take 75mg of enteric coated aspirin along with my warfarin 3 years ago which I am still taking. At the time I had some ischaemic changes in the left thalamus of my brain seen on MRI a recent MRI shows no changes.
Kind regards

Hi, quite a few are and it is normally a carefully weighted up decision for an individual patient by their consultant. I hope it works out well for you. MaryF
my INR is kept at the new norm of 2-3 and I take 80mg aspirin per day. Moderate INR with an anti-platelet is the standard protocol for arterial clotters with APS now a days backed by studies showing it’s efficiency and safety over high INR sans an anti platelet for first time arterial clotters.

I tried it, but it did tend to destabilise my inr.
It was also the case that my inr was erratic to begin with… my hematologist did not drop my INR because of this. ( instead we lowered the aspirin mg.)
I only took 40, or even 20 mg. I found it really caused me to beef quite a bit if I got a small cut and this made me nervous. I quit the aspirin.
I don’t think I’m in the norm- I’m an outlier.
I’m in enoxaparin now every 12 hours. ( started with aspirin with it- took that away also. )