My usual brand is Plavix as a named drug on my prescription but the pharmacy can’t get it now. So I need another brand. Can anyone tell me which other brand they would recommend please?
Which brand of clopidogrel do you take? - Hughes Syndrome A...
Which brand of clopidogrel do you take?

I do suggest you talk it through with the pharmacist who will be able to reassure you via phone or in person of any differences etc. MaryF

Hi, sorry cant help but I've just yesterday received my prescription and no problem with Plavix clopidogrel, even more pleasing was receipt of plaquenil hydroxychoquine!!
I suggest you talk to pharmacy and if need be ring round to see If someone has got in in.
I talked to the pharmacy and they told me to talk to the doctor about getting a different brand. But good to know you got yours. On Monday I will phone around to see if I can find some, they have been trying for a week but maybe just trying their usual source.
I'm confused, usually the pharmacy will just supply your prescription what ever brand?
Is there a particular reason you need this brand?
I was intolerant of whichever generic brand they tried me on (think it was years and years ago) so was allowed to stay on Plavix as a named brand on my prescription. And have stayed on it since without a problem getting it. But the pharmacy say they can’t get hold of any Plavix at the moment. Do you use a country-wide pharmacy like Boots?
Yes I use boots
Great, I can phone local Boots and if they have it I will get Lloyd’s (who I use at the moment) to get it from them! I’m shielding so can’t get out to sort this personally but at least I will know where to start. It sound likely that Lloyd’s haven’t tried very hard but I know how busy they have all been.
Ant issues let me know? I gave up with Lloyd's 2 years ago, never getting what my prescription said, Boots gave me a personal interview with a chance to explain why/what etc.
Other than manufacturer issues, not had a problem since.
Lloyd's Brill for 'normal' customer but we are so different in our needs. Our issue not the pharmacy.
Lloyd’s have been good until now and they are the only one I can walk to, ( except now when I’m not allowed to go but my home help can). It actually says on my prescription that I am intolerant of generic and the pharmacist promised to get a stock of Plavix and keep it for me. Perhaps they changed pharmacists or they are too busy at the moment. I will get tougher with them on Monday! Thanks for you help.
I just looked at a strip of mine, I don’t have the box and it says, “Accord” but I’ve had different brands and I’ve never taken any notice. They all do the same thing hopefully so I’ve never taken any notice. Shame I threw the box away but I’ll try to remember to check when I get my next prescription.
The community pharmacy didn’t have but Boots did and have said they will deliver it when I can get a prescription to them. I couldn’t use my original prescription because Lloyd’s had already given me the other items. So back to the GP, from receptionist to prescribing team who said the receptionist should have dealt with it as it’s urgent. So spent half the day on the phone! Hopefully I will get it tomorrow or Wednesday. I can’t go to pick it up as I’m shielding so I’m hoping Boots are a lot more organised than everyone else. The amount of red tape is unbelievable.
But it seems there could be a problem with the brand name Plavix depending on the supplier. But as far as I know all other brands of clopidogrel are ok.