I’m not being pessimistic but let’s face it it’s going to happen one day - so why not prepare for a flare?
I thought I’d share this - it may help you!
On a pain course I went to they told us we should prepare for a flare. They advised we get a nice box and put in it things like:
Music, meditation music or led meditation, colouring kit (colouring or drawing helps take the mind off pain) , a favourite boo ( if you have read it before, it’s easier to re read), a magazine, bean bag (to heat and place on your aching muscles), a rub - like deep heat, a pack of soft tissues, a list of people who you can phone when you are down or in pain (we often forget to reach out when we need support), basically put in it anything that you find helps.
They also suggested we write a letter to ourself telling ourselves that this flare will pass, and listing what we have found helps us in the past.
It also helps to have some good quality ready meals or preprepared meals in the freezer so that we can eat well when we aren’t able to cook.
Recording films or programs (having DVDs or memory sticks in the box) and keeping them for when you are in a flare is also a good idea.
But sometimes I understand we feel so bad the pain takes over and we can barely get out of bed and we just have to lie there and wait.
I hope this helps you. When in a flare we just need to try to stop fighting and focus on looking after ourself. So... Pamper yourself. Even book a pedicure or manicure at home to help or a massage or complementary therapy. I even put on a bit of makeup and some jewellery - I don’t care what others think - it makes me feel better.
Try not to allow yourself to get depressed because soon you will be looking back on all this.
Namaste 🙏🏼 Xx 💋
I’d be happy to hear what others find helpful when in a flare or what you would put in your box. 🤗