After a great many years of trying to conceive, I am 16 weeks pregnant. God willing, a sucessful birth.
I have had 10 miscarriages, one live birth (my son of 22), & and have just lost one of the twins that I'm carrying now, at 10 weeks.
When I was younger I had so many miscarriages and it was put down to my rhesus negative blood. After I had my son, I decided I would just have one child and be greatful for that.
A decade & half later decided to try again. I had my coil removed at 39 and and fell pregnant the following summer. All of the excitement kicked in for my partner and I, though knowing my sketchy history of recurrent miscarriage. At 12 weeks I went for a scan only to discover it was a missed miscarriage. I was referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic at our local hospital. They decided to put me on low dose aspirin and get me pregnant quickly, as time was running out. I fell a couple months later. Excitedly I was going to the clinic every 5 days for a scan. All was going well, then at 6w5d following my scan and whispers between the doctors, I was given a heprin injection and told I would be self administering daily until I reached 34 weeks. They rescheduled my next scan 5 days later and sent on my merry way with no explanation. By the 4th day I knew what was coming, the back ache and dull pain. Sure enough the bleed. After the miscarriage I returned to the clinic only to be told they were closing down and I could try St Mary's recurrent miscarriage clinic.
St. Mary's were brilliant. As soon as I walked in the door they ran loads of tests and scans., including the test for APS. After my 6 weeks repeat bloods, I was called in for the results.
I was told I have APS (Hughes Syndrome) and I were to follow a strick protocal of 75mg low dose aspirin and a 40mg of clexane (Heprin) until 34 weeks then continue 6 weeks after birth. I was also advised to think about egg donation as
my age, by then, was advanced at 43.
Here I am 19 months later, 16 weeks pregnant and happily self administering daily injections to keep my blood thin.
God has blessed me with a beautiful cousin whom selflessly donated her eggs so we could be blessed with a child.
Don't ever give up when there is always hope.