SCHWANNAMATOSIS and age!: Okay ,lab rats! I... - Healthy Evidence

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Okay ,lab rats! I reckon this could be important as far as this condition is concerned? I'm 64, first sign was a small hard lump on my left fore arm, in 1970, seemed to join my nerve to my skin, it was removed, still got scar there! In 1995 large lump on right hand spinal cord, about size of a walnut, removed in Dec. 1997. Then after stroke March 2008, a lump, about the size of baked bean, eventually removed 2012. I have had a few 'lumps' since then, example one about the size of a pea right forearm, hurt at first, they all do, but system got used to it, [some actually show coffee mark near, like Neurofibromatosis 2] it is still there like a 'fatty' lump it does not hurt, this was the first one when I was about sixty, that the pain lessened! I have had two on prostrate gland, Nov. 2019 and March. 2020, had an MRI at Ulster Hospital in July, I was told by urology dept. I was ok?? My GP thought when he saw me in Feb.2020 was an hard abbcess [about the size of a large baked bean] I can still feel them but now 'fatty' lumps, still affects my bladder, urine flow! Since then I had two about size of grain of rice, high thigh a month ago, they did not hurt, but I could feel them, BUT THEY HAVE NOW SOFTENED! Could this be just age and these lumps/neuromas loose there hardness forming fatty gel on the outside of the nerves? I have recently been diagnosed as having diabetes 2 in March 2020 [also had pancreatitis in Oct. 2018, but not had a drink in over four years?] probably has something to do with the two around prostate? (My father had diabetes 2 as well) I'm the only one with this diagnosed condition so absolutely no one to compare notes with!

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