I'm wanting to know what foods not to eat when I have Diabetes 2, should I stay off ?? should I eat ?? I do not want to know various organisations, websites, to get in contact with, I do not want sympathy "you should have not done that, you should eat this, vegan this, vegetarian that, ?" quite frankly YAWN? This absolute useless cadaver called my body has decided to go down it's merry way, from the start of the pandemic, I know you will have diabetes 2? As I try and lie in bed, sweating like a racehorse, incidentally I have lost 2 stone since Xmas, 17 1/2 to 15 1/2 stone, currently put myself on a VERY BORING DIET since March lockdown! Could somebody PLEASE tell me a couple of no, no's surely there must be SOME sort of food or routine I could at least try? I am currently eating very basic food, no sausages, burgers, cakes, carry outs eating a lot of natural fruit, vegetables, meat, yoghurts, milk, cereals, cheese, etc, I live on my own, on PIP, limited transport, I HATE Vegans and vegetarians, recycled products quorn, slimfast and the like? [as you have probably guessed?] [strong carnivore!] My late father I believe is responsible for my latest condition, if it can be genetic? [we both loved cheese!] I am on Metformin 1000mg and not taking any injections or such like, as you can see I'm new to this particular format! Stay Safe
A rough list of what foods to eat or not ... - Healthy Evidence
A rough list of what foods to eat or not with Diabetes 2?

Healthy does not have to be boring. You can find plenty of what-to-avoid lists, but harder to get the how-to-make it tasty-list. Adding different spices and oils, learning different food prep techniques can make a big difference. Exploring new flavor profiles adds interest. I am a big-time foodie. Fortunately, I also enjoy cooking. Some of my favorites include, balsamic glazed Brussel sprouts, stir-fried baby bok choy with toasted sesame oil, grilled sweet potatoes, (grilled anything), grilled/sautéed asparagus (for the love of God - do not boil it), smoked chicken/pork/beef brisket/turkey (smoked anything), smoked mushrooms, saffron rice, jazzed up brown/wild rice blends...... Many tasty items that are also good for you.
Can't really say what you should avoid other than the chemicals, hormones, toxins, and excess carbs and sugars - but you already know all that. Suggest you branch out on the food prep side of things. Make what you can eat taste better. Food should taste good!
That is exactly what I was looking for, I owe you one, I have been very scared of what to eat? I qualified to be a chef, thirty odd years ago, I knew because of my epilepsy I would be living on my own, so despite being top of the class I did not finish the second part of the course, and now after living on my own for the last 17 years fully justified in that decision. I was told I had diabetes, that was it, but never enlarged on what I should eat, what I should not eat? I guess I will have to stretch my culinary muscles again, and stay off the sweet and sugary recipes, I'm like a sleeping giant, my knowledge of food is there, too lazy in the very basic meals for too many years, I HATE those TV cookery programs, but this diabetes scare, and pandemic ..... ?
Had to rumble on, advice from Practice Nurse, and general online browsing sorted out my problem, a basic cookery book for 'people' in my situation, there is a lot of old out of date spices and oils which will have to be replaced, one or two rusty cooking implements sorted likewise, my only trouble on the horizon, I can see is gaining too much weight? Stay Safe p.s having my blood sugar tested on 17 Nov, should be interesting?
Fun, tasty, and healthy is a good thing no matter what condition you are eating for. FYI - I switched over to Stevia as a sweetener to replace sugar. It is a sweet plant extract with no calories and it does not mess with your insulin response. I believe it is OK for diabetes diet. I use it for a variety of dishes that call for sugar.
Think I got it sorted? Baked bean, canned fruit and dried fruit in muesli were my main problems, was getting old symptoms before I started on this diabetes treatment, just a bit of 'common sense' nothing really to get worried about, plus even cutting down my helpings might help? A basic bad and good food guide for under a £5 helped a lot! I believe I was panicking just too much! Ta for the tips!
ps a bit of exercise might help?
Makes sense to use common sense. I do pretty much canned nothing. All fresh or frozen. Lots of veggies. Whole grain carbs only and not a lot of them. Do check out Stevia to use for a bit a satiation of the sweet tooth. Exercise = YES!!. Try some Qigong (Tai Chi and other forms). Good place to start.
Speaking of exercise, just finished my on-line Gung Fu class and going to gym. Gotta burn some calories.
Heavieee! Sounds too energetic? Just checked up that Chef qualification, 1980! They did not worry about calories, protein, cholesterol, in those days, it was the basic grub, if it tasted good, eat it, never mind what was in it? the infamous Ulster Fry [which was so bad for the system, it is now a rarity in its place of birth!]
My book is finished after 11 years, no good waiting for a prospective publisher, I'll get it published myself, ok it will cost me but a good clean out all round is now needed! I'll check out Stevia.
Stay Safe
For lighter application, try Qigong. Gung Fu (AKA Kung Fu) is a bit more intense.
Had to give up fried food, other than the occasional treat. Every now and again, you just have to have a hush puppy and some fried cod or catfish (the latter being a Southern thing). Baked hush puppies are an abomination!! They are almost as bad as Instant Grits. That is what we feed Yankees if we want to make them go home. Now some good shrimp and grits may make you stay forever. We don't give that to people we want to go home.
Glad to hear the book nears completion. Do let me know when it is out on Amazon. Have you looked into e-publishing. Don't know much about it, but I do believe it is much easier and cheaper than print versions. I do miss a good old fashioned book sometimes, but my Kindle is my best friend these days.
Stay wee and stay safe yourself.
Honestly people take diabetes so much for granted, diagnosed with diabetes on the same day I was put into 12 week isolation in March [I have other serious medical conditions] so I almost took it for granted, but in the 'isolation bag' metformin 1000 mg as well. I was not told what form of diabetes, I guessed rightly it was diabetes 2 for high sugar level, due to a recent blood test for something else [my favourite bakery was to blame there, unfortunately since closed] but NEVER told what to cut down? Food I was dieting on since March I tried just via common sense have proved to be no, no's! Fruit drinks, fruit cereals, I thought would be okay! OUCH! Well it looks like I will have to look it up myself, even asked a Practice Nurse what to eat, practically ticked off for not knowing, EVERYBODY HAS TO BE A MEDICAL EXPERT, BUT I'M NO DOCTOR, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT, PLEASE! Sometimes details about a patients condition is lost in translation over the years, taken for granted like my family motto PATIENTIA VINCIT [patience endureth!]
Thank you! May your god go with you!