Hi everyone,
This is good news for sufferers of hereditary metabolic syndrome whose genetic makeup interferes with their metabolism resulting in obesity type 2 diabetes heart disease to name a few conditions that are of concern to sufferers and their families.
Here's about Metabolic syndrome and a link to support and awareness of this condition, please see:
In the spirit of all things HealthUnlocked 2 members of the HU support team. started Fasting and Furious in the summer of 2018 and we helped to promote the F&F community on HE so I volunteered to be admin. The community has grown and has recently broken the 1000 members so it's a success story thanks to you and HU.
One success story is Subtle_badger who in my opinion is a fasting hero as in just over 2 years has lost weight by fasting and eating an LCHF diet and this is the secret to find what works for us and then share with everyone why it works for us.
(What works for me is a whole food gluten free diet with plenty of exercise, so its not a one size fits all, its finding what works for us)
Obviously fasting isn't for everyone and due diligence is required especially with long fasts.
So top marks to SB and here's a link to F&F with an interesting recent scientific article on how IF can help to manage Metabolic syndrome:
F&F welcomes all members who are interested in fasting and the benefits of fasting, so members are encouraged with tailor made badges for their weight and fasting regimes so please feel free to join us if you think that IF could be of benefit to you.
Thank you,